Erik Winfree , David K. Gifford
American Mathematical Society
William A. Goddard , Erik Winfree , Robert D. Barish , Marc W. Bockrath
Erik Winfree
DNA Based Computers 187 -198
Erik Winfree , Paul W. K. Rothemund
Erik Winfree
California Institute of Technology
Erik Winfree , Kevin Chen
DNA Based Computers 49 -63
Nadrian C. Seeman , Erik Winfree , Xiaoping Yang
DNA Based Computers 191 -213
John Hopfield , Erik Winfree , Jongmin Kim
neural information processing systems 17 681 -688
Erik Winfree
Colloquia Videos from Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL)
Anne Condon , David Harel , Erik Winfree , Joost N. Kok
Erik Winfree , Ho-Lin Chen , Damien Woods , Peng Yin
arXiv: Data Structures and Algorithms
Erik Winfree , Leonard M. Adleman , Sam T. Roweis , Paul W. K. Rothemund
DNA Based Computers 1 -29
Manoj Gopalkrishnan , Thomas E. Ouldridge , Erik Winfree , Nick S. Jones
International Conference on DNA-Based Computers 210 -231
Erik Winfree , Pakpoom Subsoontorn , Jongmin Kim
ACS Synthetic Biology 1 ( 8) 299 -316
Boya Wang , Chris Thachuk , Andrew D. Ellington , Erik Winfree
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115 ( 52) 201806859
Constantine G. Evans , Erik Winfree
international conference on dna computing 61 -75
Nicholas Schiefer , Erik Winfree
International Conference on DNA-Based Computers 165 -182
Erik Winfree
Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Architectural support for programming languages and operating systems - ASPLOS XIII 42 ( 2) 1 -1
Anupama J. Thubagere , Wei Li , Robert F. Johnson , Zibo Chen
Science 357 ( 6356)
Joseph Berleant , Christopher Berlind , Stefan Badelt , Frits Dannenberg
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 15 ( 149) 20180107