S Bermudez i Badia
CyberTherapy & Rehabilitation Magazine 2014 ( 2)
Monica Cameirao , Pfmj Verschure , S Bermudez i Badia
Journal of CyberTherapy & Rehabilitation 1 ( 1) 63 -74
Monica Cameirao , Pfmj Verschure , S Bermudez i Badia , Lukas Zimmerli
9th European Conference for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe
Paul F. M. J. Verschure , Monica Cameirao , Esther Duarte , S Bermudez i Badia
annual review of cybertherapy and telemedicine 12
Monica Cameirao , Ana Lúcia Faria , S Bermudez i Badia , Athanasios Vourvopoulos
10th Intl Conf. Disability, Virtual Reality & Associated Technologies
Athanasios Vourvopoulos , Evangelos Niforatos , S Bermudez i Badia , Fotis Liarokapis
237 -272
JE Muñoz , Er Gouveia , MS Cameirão , S Bermudez i Badia
PhyCS: Physiological Computing Systems Conference
L Zimmerli , A Duff , A Mura , K Eng
The enhancement of multilingual communication and learning through technology
S Bermudez i Badia , PFMJ Verschure
In proceedings of the Flying Insects and Robots Symposium 3 -4
Athanasios Vourvopoulos , Sergi Bermudez i Badia , Fotis Liarokapis
The Visual Computer 33 ( 4) 533 -546
Ana Lúcia Faria , Maria Salomé Pinho , Sergi Bermúdez i Badia ,
11º Congresso Nacional de Psicologia da Saúde
Davide Neves , Athanasios Vourvopoulos , Mónica Cameirão , Sergi Bermudez I Badia
international conference on pervasive computing 440 -442
Min Hun Lee , Daniel P. Siewiorek , Asim Smailagic , Alexandre Bernardino
2020 29th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN) 1366 -1373
DA Blanco-Mora , A Aldridge , C Jorge , A Vourvopoulos
Brain-Computer Interfaces 9 ( 3) 169 -178
A Vourvopoulos , D Blanco-Mora , A Aldridge , C Jorge
Min Hun Lee , Daniel Siewiorek , Asim Smailagic , Alexandre Bernadino
Rodrigo Lima , Muhammad Asif , Honorato Sousa , Sergi Bermúdez I Badia
15th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - BIOSIGNALS 91 -99
Luis Ferreira , Mónica Spínola , Sofia Cavaco , Sergi Bermúdez I Badia
Springer Nature Switzerland 51 -64
Kathrin Steck , Daniel Veit , Ronald Grandy , Sergi Bermúdez I Badia
Scientific Reports 3 ( 1) 1495 -1495
Ivan Teixeira , Diogo Branco , Sergi Bermúdez I Badia
Procedia Computer Science 239 1524 -1531