Eitan Menahem , Asaf Shabtai , Lior Rokach , Yuval Elovici
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 53 ( 4) 1483 -1494
Nathalie Japkowicz , Yuval Elovici
IEEE Intelligent Systems 33 ( 2) 3 -4
Yuval Elovici , Michael Fire , Amir Herzberg , Haya Shulman
Science and Engineering Ethics 20 ( 4) 1027 -1043
Helnye Azaria , Yuval Elovici
parallel computing 19 ( 6) 633 -649
Alona Levy , Ben Nassi , Yuval Elovici , Erez Shmueli
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies 2 ( 3) 119
Rami Puzis , Meytal Tubi , Yuval Elovici , Chanan Glezer
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation 22 ( 1) 1 -26
Eitan Menahem , Lior Rokach , Yuval Elovici
conference on information and knowledge management 2435 -2440
Shachar Siboni , Asaf Shabtai , Yuval Elovici
ACM Sigapp Applied Computing Review 18 ( 2) 5 -21
Alfonso Iacovazzi , Yuval Elovici
IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials 19 ( 1) 512 -530
Mark Last , Bracha Shapira , Yuval Elovici , Omer Zaafrany
Series in Machine Perception and Artificial Intelligence 539 -552
Yisroel Mirsky , Tal Halpern , Rishabh Upadhyay , Sivan Toledo
symposium on applied computing 842 -849
Jinghui Toh , Muhammad Hatib , Omer Porzecanski , Yuval Elovici
symposium on applied computing 535 -542
Yair Meidan , Michael Bohadana , Asaf Shabtai , Juan David Guarnizo
symposium on applied computing 506 -509
TT Teoh , YY Nguwi , Yuval Elovici , Ngai-Man Cheung
international conference on natural computation 2080 -2083
TT Teoh , Yue Zhang , YY Nguwi , Yuval Elovici
international conference on natural computation 1790 -1793
Nir Nissim , Aviad Cohen , Yuval Elovici
2015 IEEE 14th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA) 760 -765
Alfonso Iacovazzi , Daniel Frassinelli , Yuval Elovici
international conference on network of future 33 -39
Yuval Elovici , Bracha Shapira , Mark Last , Omer Zaafrany
Intelligence and Security Informatics 244 -255
Asaf Shabtai , Idan Morad , Eyal Kolman , Ereli Eran
international congress on big data 435 -436
Asaf Shabtai , Yuval Elovici , Vinay Sachidananda , Jinghui Toh
computer and communications security 1820 -1822