Emily Ward , Bob Gonyea , Darin L. Junck , Heather Diaz
Journal of the Student Personnel Association at Indiana University 39 -49
Tom Laird , Bob Gonyea
Chuck Paine , Bob Gonyea , Paul Anderson , C Anson
Verfügbar unter http://comppile. org/wpa+ nsse/docs/WPA2008_NSEE-WPA_Handout. pdf [10.03. 2014]
Bob Gonyea , Kevin Fosnacht , Polly Graham , Kyle Fassett
Jillian Kinzie , Alexander C McCormick , Allison BrckaLorenz , Bob Gonyea
Indiana University Center for Postsecondary Research
Alex McCormick , Jillian Kinzie , Allison BrckaLorenz , Bob Gonyea
AAC&U Annual Meeting
Jillian Kinzie , Allison BrckaLorenz , Bob Gonyea , Tom Kirnbauer
Paul Anderson , Chris Anson , Bob Gonyea , Chuck Paine
National Survey of Student Engagement, URL: http://nsse. iub. edu/webinars/TuesdayswithNSSE/2009_09_22_UsingResultsCSWC/Webinar 20
Paul Anderson , Chris Anson , Bob Gonyea , Chuck Paine
Annual Conference of the Council of Writing Program Administrators. Minneapolis, MN
Chuck Paine , Bob Gonyea , Chris Anson , Paul Anderson
Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges and Universities
Chuck Paine , Paul Anderson , Bob Gonyea
Proceedings of the Writing Program Administration and/as Learning (WPA’08)
Louis Rocconi , Bob Gonyea
Rob Harrison , AB Adams , Gage Wagoner , Jana Canary
George D. Kuh , Ty M. Cruce , Rick Shoup , Jillian Kinzie
The Journal of Higher Education 79 ( 5) 540 -563
Gary R Pike , George D Kuh , Robert M Gonyea
Journal of College Student Development 48 ( 2) 166 -182
Robert M Gonyea , Jillian Kinzie , George D Kuh , TF Nelson Laird
Smpte Journal
George D Kuh , Jillian Kinzie , Ty Cruce , Rick Shoup
Smpte Journal
Paul Anderson , Chris M Anson , Tom Fish , Robert M Gonyea
Peer Review 19 ( 1) 4 -9
Charles Paine , Robert M Gonyea , Chris M Anson , Paul V Anderson
A Rhetoric for Writing Program Administrators 265 -265
Mimi Benjamin , Jody Jessup-Anger , Shannon Lundeen , Cara Lucia