Ben Greenstein , Damon McCoy , Jeffrey Pang , Tadayoshi Kohno
Proceeding of the 6th international conference on Mobile systems, applications, and services - MobiSys '08 40 -53
Parveen Patel , Andrew Whitaker , David Wetherall , Jay Lepreau
symposium on operating systems principles 37 ( 5) 1 -14
Ethan Katz-Bassett , John P. John , Arvind Krishnamurthy , David Wetherall
internet measurement conference 71 -84
Barath Raghavan , Tadayoshi Kohno , Alex C. Snoeren , David Wetherall
privacy enhancing technologies 143 -163
Marco Gruteser , David Wetherall
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 11 ( 5) 705 -706
Michael Buettner , Richa Prasad , Alanson Sample , Daniel Yeager
Proceedings of the 6th ACM conference on Embedded network sensor systems - SenSys '08 393 -394
Radhika Mittal , Vinh The Lam , Nandita Dukkipati , Emily Blem
acm special interest group on data communication 45 ( 4) 537 -550
Ramakrishna Gummadi , David Wetherall , Ben Greenstein , Srinivasan Seshan
Computer Communication Review
Daniel Halperin , Wenjun Hu , Anmol Sheth , David Wetherall
acm special interest group on data communication 41 ( 1) 53 -53
David Tennenhouse , Joel Adam , Chris Lindblad , William Stasior
acm multimedia 464
Daniel Halperin , Wenjun Hu , Anmol Sheth , David Wetherall
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 40 ( 1) 19 -25
Andrius Aucinas , Narseo Vallina-Rodriguez , Yan Grunenberger , Vijay Erramilli
conference on emerging network experiment and technology 315 -320
Seungyeop Han , Vincent Liu , Qifan Pu , Simon Peter
Computer Communication Review
Michael Buettner , Richa Prasad , Matthai Philipose , David Wetherall
ubiquitous computing 51 -60
Stefan Savage , Neal Cardwell , David Wetherall , Tom Anderson
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 29 ( 5) 71 -78
Seungyeop Han , Rajalakshmi Nandakumar , Matthai Philipose , Arvind Krishnamurthy
workshop on physical analytics 31 -36
Bryce Kellogg , Aaron Parks , Shyamnath Gollakota , Joshua R. Smith
acm special interest group on data communication 44 ( 4) 607 -618
Peter Gilbert , Landon P. Cox , Jaeyeon Jung , David Wetherall
workshop on mobile computing systems and applications 31 -36
Ratul Mahajan , Maya Rodrig , David Wetherall , John Zahorjan
acm special interest group on data communication 36 ( 4) 75 -86
Michael Buettner , David Wetherall
Springer, New York, NY 143 -156