Richard S Sutton , Andrew G Barto
Smpte Journal 355 -378
Leonid Kuvayev , Richard S Sutton
Smpte Journal 101 -105
Hamid Reza Maei , Csaba Szepesvári , Shalabh Bhatnagar , Richard S Sutton
ICML 10 719 -726
Panos J Antsaklis , Kenneth A DeJong , Alan L Meyrowitz , Alexander M Meystel
David Silver , Richard S Sutton , Martin Müller
IJCAI 7 1053 -1058
Sina Ghiassian , Andrew Patterson , Martha White , Richard S Sutton
arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.02597
Craig Sherstan , Dylan R Ashley , Brendan Bennett , Kenny Young
UAI 63 -72
Yi Wan , Zaheer Abbas , Martha White , Richard S Sutton
FAIM Workshop on Prediction and Generative Modeling in Reinforcement Learning 1 -5
Khurram Javed , Haseeb Shah , Richard S Sutton , Martha White
Journal of Machine Learning Research 24 1 -34
Alex Kearney , Anna Koop , Craig Sherstan , Johannes Gunther
AAAI Fall Symposium on Reasoning and Learning In Real-World Systems For Long-Term Autonomy
Richard S Sutton , Satinder Singh , David McAllester
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
Amy McGovern , Doina Precup , Balaraman Ravindran , Satinder Singh
Proceedings of the Tenth Yale Workshop on Adaptive and Learning Systems 186 -191
Doina Precup , Richard S Sutton , Sanjoy Dasgupta
ICML 417 -424
Richard S Sutton , Doina Precup , Satinder Singh
ICML 98 556 -564
Doina Precup , Richard S Sutton , Satinder P Singh
Working notes of the 1997 AAAI Fall Symposium on Model-directed Autonomous Systems 70 -76
Doina Precup , Richard S Sutton
ICML 272 -277
Doina Precup , Richard S Sutton
Proceedings of the ICML’97 Workshop on Modelling in Reinforcement Learning
Andrew G Barto , Richard S Sutton , Charles W Anderson
Behavioural Processes 9 ( 1)
Richard S Sutton , Andrew G Barto
MIT press Cambridge 5 21 -22