Yongsub Nam , Taekyoung Kwon , Hojin Lee , Hakyung Jung
Computer Communications 30 ( 13) 2532 -2545
Xiaofei Wang , Taekyoung Kwon , Yanghee Choi
conference on emerging network experiment and technology 32
Jaecheol Kim , Jaeyoung Choi , Dukhyun Chang , Taekyoung Kwon
network and system support for games 1 -8
Jeongkeun Lee , Wonho Kim , Sung-Ju Lee , Daehyung Jo
Proceedings of the the second ACM international workshop on Wireless network testbeds, experimental evaluation and characterization - WinTECH '07 19 -26
Nakjung Choi , Sungjoon Choi , Yongho Seokt , Taekyoung Kwon
2007 Mobile Networking for Vehicular Environments 91 -96
Jeongkeun Lee , Sung-Ju Lee , Wonho Kim , Daehyung Jo
sensor mesh and ad hoc communications and networks 491 -500
Ashwin Ashok , Marco Gruteser , Narayan Mandayam , Taekyoung Kwon
sensor mesh and ad hoc communications and networks 583 -591
Yongho Seok , Taekyoung Kwon , Yanghee Choi , Jean-Marie Bonnin
Wireless Networks 13 ( 2) 237 -258
Nakjung Choi , Yongho Seok , Taekyoung Kwon , Yanghee Choi
Wireless Networks 17 ( 1) 119 -131
Sungjoon Choi , Nakjung Choi , Yongho Seok , Taekyoung Kwon
global communications conference 3656 -3660
Nakjung Choi , Jiho Ryu , Yongho Seok , Taekyoung Kwon
personal, indoor and mobile radio communications 1 -5
Taekyoung Kwon , Sooyeon Kim , Yanghee Choi , M. Naghshineh
Electronics Letters 36 ( 9) 852 -854
Chulhyun Park , Nakjung Choi , Eunkyoung Paik , Taekyoung Kwon
international conference on advanced communication technology 1 187 -190
Min Chen , Taekyoung Kwon , Shiwen Mao , Yong Yuan
International Journal of Sensor Networks 4 ( 1/2) 104 -117
Min Chen , Taekyoung Kwon , Shiwen Mao , Victor C.M. Leung
International Journal of Sensor Networks 5 ( 3) 129 -141
Nakjung Choi , Jiho Ryu , Eunkyoung Paik , Taekyoung Kwon
IEEE Communications Letters 11 ( 7) 604 -606
Nakjung Choi , Yongho Seok , Taekyoung Kwon , Yanghee Choi
consumer communications and networking conference 861 -865
Youndo Lee , Hojin Lee , Nakjung Choi , Yanghee Choi
global communications conference 715 -719
Sangheon Pack , Taekyoung Kwon , Yanghee Choi
Computer Networks 51 ( 6) 1630 -1642
Yung Yi , Yongho Seok , Taekyoung Kwon , Yanghee Choi
world of wireless, mobile and multimedia networks 2 -10