Maximilian Bachl , Joachim Fabini , Tanja Zseby
Proceedings of the 2019 Workshop on Buffer Sizing
Felix Iglesias Vazquez , Tanja Zseby , Arthur Zimek
ieee international conference on data science and advanced analytics 21 -29
Fares Meghdouri , Felix Iglesias Vazquez , Tanja Zseby
ieee international conference on data science and advanced analytics 469 -478
Fares Meghdouri , Tanja Zseby , Félix Iglesias
Applied Sciences 8 ( 11) 2196
Félix Iglesias , Tanja Zseby
Entropy 17 ( 1) 74 -101
Joachim Fabini , Alexander Hartl , Fares Meghdouri , Claudia Breitenfellner
Smpte Journal 1 -11
Emiko Kobayashi , Kiminori Sugauchi , Minoru Koizumi , Georg Carle
Kiminori Sugauchi , Hiroshi Saito , Emiko Kobayashi , Minoru Koizumi
Georg Carle , Jens Tiemann , Tanja Zseby
Passive & Active Measurement Workshop PAM 2000
Georg Carle , Henning Sanneck , Dorgham Sisalem , Michael Smirnow
Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation (PIK) 3
Georg Carle , Henning Sanneck , Dorgham Sisalem , Mikhail Smirnov
Prax. Inf. verarb. Kommun. 21 ( 3) 131 -135
Jürgen Quittek , Tanja Zseby , Georg Carle , Sebastian Zander
M Smirnov , Tanja Zseby , Georg Carle , Heike Kolb
Félix Iglesias , Tanja Zseby , Arthur Zimek , Luca Oneto
Tanja Zseby , Reijo Savola , Marco Pistore
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6152
Tanja Zseby , Félix Iglesias Vázquez , Alistair King , Kimberly C Claffy
IEEE Transactions on Education 59 ( 1) 1 -7
Tanja Zseby , Kc Claffy
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 42 ( 5) 49 -53
Maryna Kolisnyk , Axel Jantsch , Tanja Zseby , Vyacheslav Kharchenko
Springer Nature Switzerland 61 -78
Christian Krieg , Clifford Wolf , Axel Jantsch , Tanja Zseby
Proceedings of the 54th Annual Design Automation Conference 2017
Tanja Zseby , Sebastian Zander
Franunhofer FOKUS Report TR-2003 1101