Levi Lelis , Sandra Zilles , Robert Holte
annual symposium on combinatorial search
Neil Burch , Robert Holte
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Combinatorial Search 3 ( 1) 18 -24
Bo Pang , Robert Holte
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Combinatorial Search 3 ( 1) 72 -79
Zhaoxing Bu , Roni Stern , Ariel Felner , Robert Holte
annual symposium on combinatorial search
Gaojian Fan , Martin Müller , Robert Holte
IJCAI 4287 -4293
Robert Holte , Robert Zimmer , Alan MacDonald
Proceedings of the Workshop on Change of Representation and Problem Reformulation
Levi Lelis , Shahab Jabbari Arfaee , Sandra Zilles , Robert Holte
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Combinatorial Search 3 ( 1) 166 -167
Robert Holte , Rubén Majadas , Alberto Pozanco , Daniel Borrajo
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Combinatorial Search 10 ( 1) 135 -139
Finnegan Southey , Robert Holte
Robert M Zimmer , Alan MacDonald , Robert Holte
Applications of Artificial Intelligence 1993: Knowledge-Based Systems in Aerospace and Industry 1963 126 -137
Levi Lelis , Sandra Zilles , Robert Holte
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 25 ( 1) 1800 -1801
Heather Kanuka , Paula Marentette , John Braga , Katy Campbell
Yuxi Li , Baochun Bai , Janelle Harms , Robert Holte
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4516 129 -140
Janelle Harms , Yuxi Li , Robert Holte
Darse Billings , Aaron Davidson , Terence Ėchauenberg , Neil Burch
Heather Kanuka , Paula Marentette , John Braga , Katy Campbell
R.C. Holte , T. Mkadmi , R.M. Zimmer , A.J. MacDonald
Artificial Intelligence 85 ( 1-2) 321 -361
C.G. Drummond , D. Ionescu , R.C. Holte
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 26 ( 12) 1179 -1196