Paul Bastijns , Sam Coppens , Siska Corneillie , Patrick Hochstenbach
Published in <b>2009</b> in Gent by Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent
Joeri Barbarien , Erik Mannens , Rik Van De Walle , Jan De Cock
Access to Archives of Performing Arts Multimedia 95 -119
Liesbeth Van Melle , Brecht Vekeman , Erik Mannens , Rik Van de Walle
Universiteit Gent. MMLab ; Bibliotheek
Juan Miguel Gómez Berbís , Angel García-Crespo , Magnus Knuth , Sam Coppens
european semantic web conference
Tom De Nies , Ruben Verborgh , Laurens De Vocht , Pedro Debevere
international semantic web conference 69 -72
Stian Soiland-Reyes , Tom De Nies , Timothy Lebo , Paolo Missier
World Wide Web Consortium
Sam Coppens , Jan Haspeslagh
Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent ; IBBT
Ruben Verborgh , Laurens De Vocht , Erik Mannens , Rik Van de Walle
6th Workshop on Linked Data on the Web, Proceedings
Ruben Verborgh , Erik Mannens , Rik Van De Walle , Sam Coppens
COLD'13 Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Consuming Linked Data - Volume 1034 99 -110
Simon Dooms , Erik Mannens , Luc Martens , Kristof Geebelen
international conference on web information systems and technologies 231 -236
Ruben Verborgh , Erik Mannens , Rik Van de Walle , Thomas Steiner
extended semantic web conference
Raf Vandesande , Rik Van de Walle , Erik Mannens , Sam Coppens
2011 European Library Automation Group conference (ELAG 2011) : It's the context, stupid!
Erik Mannens , Rik Van de Walle , Sam Coppens
40th International conference of the International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA 2009) 85 -86
Erik Mannens , Rik Van de Walle , Sam Coppens
Access to Archives of Performing Arts Multimedia 121 -141
Erik Mannens , Sam Coppens , Rik Van de Walle , Laurence Hauttekeete
FIAT/IFTA World conference 2010 : Making it real, keeping it real (FIAT/IFTA 2010)
Erik Mannens , Rik Van de Walle , Sam Coppens
FIAT/IFTA World conference, Abstracts
Erik Mannens , Rik Van de Walle , Sam Coppens
41st Annual conference of the International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA 2010) ; IASA/AMIA 2010 Annual conference
Ruben Verborgh , Erik Mannens , Rik Van de Walle , Sam Coppens
model driven engineering languages and systems
Erik Mannens , Rik Van de Walle , Sam Coppens
IASA JOURNAL ( 35) 40 -49
Rik Van de Walle , Erik Mannens , Sam Coppens
41st Annual conference of the International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA 2010) ; IASA/AMIA 2010 Annual conference