Benson Susan , Giuseppe AtenieseKaryn , Hohenberger
Proc. FC 2002
http://citeseer. nj. nec. com/ateniese02efficient. html.
Giuseppe Ateniese , Marina Blanton , Jonathan Kirsch
network and distributed system security symposium
Giuseppe Ateniese , Breno de Medeiros
IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive 2004 93
Giuseppe Ateniese , Yi Mu , Yong Yu
Journal of Universal Computer Science 21 ( 3) 365 -368
Giuseppe Ateniese , Breno de Medeiros , Michael T. Goodrich
network and distributed system security symposium
Giuseppe Ateniese , Angelo Spognardi , Giovanni Felici , Antonio Villani
arXiv: Cryptography and Security
Giuseppe Ateniese , Daniele Venturi , Bernardo Magri
Giuseppe Ateniese , Daniele Venturi , Bernardo Magri , Michael T. Chiaramonte
Giuseppe Ateniese , Daniele Venturi , Bernardo Magri , Michael T. Chiaramonte
Giuseppe Ateniese , Paolo Gasti , Fernando Perez-Cruz , Pablo M. Olmos
Reza Curtmola , Giuseppe Ateniese , Zachary N. J. Peterson , Lea Kissner
IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive 2007 202
Giuseppe Ateniese , Qingji Zheng , Shouhuai Xu
IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive 2012 493
Giuseppe Ateniese , Gene Tsudik , Roberto Di Pietro , Luigi V. Mancini
IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive 2008 114
Giuseppe Ateniese , Fernando Perez-Cruz , Briland Hitaj
arXiv: Cryptography and Security
Giuseppe Ateniese , Mauro Conti , Ankit Gangwal , Dario Pasquini
arXiv: Cryptography and Security
Giuseppe Ateniese , Giuseppe Giordano , Luca Schiatti , Andrea Maria Milazzo
international workshop on security 2019 1345
Giuseppe Ateniese , Dario Fiore , Stefan Nürnberger , Mark Simkin
IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive 2015 333
Nicola Galesi , Giuseppe Ateniese , Ilario Bonacina , Antonio Faonio
IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive 2013 805