Zachary Peterson
Bruce DeBruhl , Zachary Peterson , Marina Moore , Nathan Lemay
Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges 33 ( 4) 157 -164
Giuseppe Ateniese , Randal Burns , Reza Curtmola , Joseph Herring
ACM Transactions on Information and System Security 14 ( 1) 12
Maximilian Zinkus , Oliver Curry , Marina Moore , Zachary Peterson
technical symposium on computer science education 892 -898
Portia Pusey , Mark Gondree , Zachary Peterson
ieee symposium on security and privacy 14 ( 6) 90 -95
Zoë J. Wood , John Clements , Zachary Peterson , David Janzen
technical symposium on computer science education 20 -25
Randal Burns , Zachary Peterson , Giuseppe Ateniese , Stephen Bono
workshop on storage security and survivability 44 -50
Randal Burns , Zachary Peterson
Communications of The ACM 53 ( 1) 126 -130
Zachary Peterson , Randal Burns
ACM Transactions on Storage 1 ( 2) 190 -212
Carl Gunter , Zachary Peterson , Elisa Bertino , Anupam Datta
Zachary Peterson , RC Burns
Maximilian Zinkus , Oliver Curry , Marina Moore , Zachary Peterson
Zoë J Wood , John Clements , Zachary Peterson , David Janzen
Gary McGraw , Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi , Ghada Dessouky , Omer Tene
David Evans , Zachary Peterson , Colleen Lewis , Tadayoshi Kohno
Panel at USENIX Security Symposium
John R Morelock , Zachary Peterson
2018 USENIX Workshop on Advances in Security Education (ASE 18)
Elaine Lau , Zachary Peterson
32nd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 23) 4679 -4696
Arthur L Zepf , Zachary Peterson
Naval Postgraduate School (U.S.). Center for Contemporary Conflict
Lance Tyler , Matt Morris , Zachary Peterson