Yu-Ju Lee , Eric Wustrow
conference on privacy security and trust 388 -391
James Kasten , Eric Wustrow , J. Alex Halderman
financial cryptography 329 -337
Joppe W. Bos , J. Alex Halderman , Nadia Heninger , Jonathan Moore
Financial Cryptography and Data Security 157 -175
David Adrian , Karthikeyan Bhargavan , Zakir Durumeric , Pierrick Gaudry
computer and communications security 5 -17
Sergey Frolov , Jack Wampler , Sze Chuen Tan , J. Alex Halderman
computer and communications security 2215 -2229
Aimee Coughlin , Greg Cusack , Jack Wampler , Eric Keller
field programmable gate arrays 282 -291
Scott Wolchok , Eric Wustrow , J. Alex Halderman , Hari K. Prasad
Proceedings of the 17th ACM conference on Computer and communications security - CCS '10 1 -14
Imperfect Forward Secrecy , David Adrian , Karthikeyan Bhargavan , Zakir Durumeric
Erik Chi , Gaukas Wang , J Alex Halderman , Eric Wustrow
arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.00163
Diwen Xue , Reethika Ramesh , Leonid Evdokimov , Andrey Viktorov
435 -443
Gyuhong Lee , Jihoon Lee , Jinsung Lee , Youngbin Im
404 -416
Hyoyoung Lim , Seonwoo Kim , Jackson Sippe , Junseon Kim
arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.14523
Jihoon Lee , Gyuhong Lee , Jinsung Lee , Youngbin Im
Communications of the ACM 64 ( 10) 85 -93
Max Hollingsworth , Gyuhong Lee , Jihoon Lee , Jinsung Lee
Mingshi Wu , Jackson Sippe , Danesh Sivakumar , Jack Burg
32nd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 23) 2653 -2670
Abdulrahman Alaraj , Kevin Bock , Dave Levin , Eric Wustrow
Springer Nature Switzerland 373 -399
Manish Karir , Eric Wustrow , Jim Rees
http://www. nanog. org/meetings/nanog47/abstracts. php? pt= MTQ2MSZuYW5vZzQ3&nm= nanog47
Manish Karir , Eric Wustrow , Jim Rees
Manish Karir , Eric Wustrow , Jim Rees
George Arnold Sullivan , Jackson Sippe , Nadia Heninger , Eric Wustrow
31st USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 22) 233 -250