Kaiyu Hou , Sen Lin , Yan Chen , Vinod Yegneswaran
Smpte Journal 240 -256
Seungsoo Lee , Seungwon Woo , Jinwoo Kim , Jaehyun Nam
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 30 ( 3) 1410 -1423
Zachary Weinberg , Jeffrey Wang , Vinod Yegneswaran , Linda Briesemeister
Smpte Journal 109 -120
Paul Barford , David Donoho , Ana Flesia , Vinod Yegneswaran
Smpte Journal
Marina Blanton , Mauro Conti , Robert Deng , Alexandra Dmitrienko
Paul Barford , Rob Nowak , Rebecca Willett , Vinod Yegneswaran
Proc. of the Passive and Active Measurement Conference
Patrick Lincoln , Ian Mason , Phillip A Porras , Vinod Yegneswaran
Vasudevan Nagendra , Arani Bhattacharya , Vinod Yegneswaran , Amir Rahmati
arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.13288
Vinod Yegneswaran , Paul Barford , Vern Paxson , Jennifer Rexford
Vinod Yegneswaran , Paul Barford , Vern Paxson
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets IV) 17 -22
Paul Barford , Vinod Yegneswaran
Malware detection 171 -191
Vinod Yegneswaran , Paul Barford , Somesh Jha
University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Computer Sciences
Vinod Yegneswaran , Paul Barford , Johannes Ullrich
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 31 ( 1) 138 -147
Paul Barford , Somesh Jha , Vinod Yegneswaran
Proc. Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing
Jin-Yi Cai , Vinod Yegneswaran , Chris Alfeld , Paul Barford
Computing and Combinatorics: 15th Annual International Conference, COCOON 2009 Niagara Falls, NY, USA, July 13-15, 2009 Proceedings 15 7 -16
Lei Chen , Raghu Ramakrishnan , Paul Barford , Bee-Chung Chen
VLDB 6 403 -414
Jin-Yi Cai , Vinod Yegneswaran , Chris Alfeld , Paul Barford
University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Computer Sciences
Paul Barford , Vinod Yegneswaran
Malware Detection 27 171 -171
Jin-Yi Cai , Vinod Yegneswaran , Chris Alfeld , Paul Barford
Vinod Yegneswaran , Paul Barford , Somcsh Jha