Jonah Burgess , Domhnall Carlin , Philip O'Kane , Sakir Sezer
communications and networking symposium 1570641813
Farhan Ahmad , Fatih Kurugollu , Chaker Abdelaziz Kerrache , Sakir Sezer
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 1 -1
Philip O'Kane , Sakir Sezer , Kieran McLaughlin , Eul Gyu Im
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 8 ( 3) 500 -509
BooJoong Kang , Peter Maynard , Kieran McLaughlin , Sakir Sezer
2015 IEEE 20th Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation (ETFA) 1 -8
Jennifer Betts , Sakir Sezer
ETHICS '14 Proceedings of the IEEE 2014 International Symposium on Ethics in Engineering, Science, and Technology ( 4) 1 -7
Yi Yang , Haiqing Xu , Kieran McLaughlin , Sakir Sezer
Academic Press 223 -254
Rafiullah Khan , Kieran Mclaughlin , David Laverty , Sakir Sezer
IEEE Access 5 11626 -11644
Ye Lu , John Mccanny , Sakir Sezer
2011 International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs 369 -374
Suleiman Y. Yerima , Sakir Sezer , Igor Muttik
next generation mobile applications, services and technologies 37 -42
Feng Yao , Suleiman Y. Yerima , BooJoong Kang , Sakir Sezer
next generation mobile applications, services and technologies 248 -255
Sandra Scott-Hayward , Sriram Natarajan , Sakir Sezer
IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials 18 ( 1) 623 -654
Mark Williams , Michelle Butler , Anna Jurek-Loughrey , Sakir Sezer
Contemporary social science 16 ( 2) 227 -240
Peter Maynard , Kieran McLaughlin , Sakir Sezer
Journal of Cybersecurity 6 ( 1)
Sao-Jie Chen , Pao-Ann Hsiung , Chu Yu , Mao-Hsu Yen
international conference on embedded computer systems: architectures, modeling, and simulation 324 -331
John V. McCanny , Sakir Sezer , Maire O'Neill
european solid-state circuits conference 222 -231
Suleiman Y. Yerima , Mohammed K. Alzaylaee , Sakir Sezer
Eurasip Journal on Information Security 2019 ( 1) 1 -24
Kieran Hughes , Kieran McLaughlin , Sakir Sezer
irish signals and systems conference 9180198
Sakir Sezer , Sandra Scott-Hayward , Pushpinder Chouhan , Barbara Fraser
IEEE Communications Magazine 51 ( 7) 36 -43
Gavin Stark , Sakir Sezer
ieee hot chips symposium 1 -21
John Hurley , Antonio Munoz , Sakir Sezer
international conference on communications 1069 -1073