Baruch Awerbuch , Oded Godlreich , Amir Herzberg
principles of distributed computing 189 -203
Oded Goldreichy , Amir Herzbergz , Adrian Segall
preparation. The results are contained in the dissertation'Computer Networks in the Presence of Faults' by Amir Herzberg, Computer Science Dept., Technion (in Hebrew, 1991)
Oded Goldreichy
Reuven Bar-Yehuda , Oded Goldreichy , Alon Itai
Oded Goldreichy , Yoad Lustig , Moni Naorz
Oded Goldreichy , Sha Goldwasserz , Shai Halevix
Mihir Bellare , Oded Goldreichy , Sha Goldwasser
Oded Goldreichy , Avi Wigdersonz , Givat Ram
Oded Goldreich
international cryptology conference 426 -439
Oded Goldreich , David Zuckerman
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity 4
Oded Goldreich , Dana Ron
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity
Oded Goldreich , Martin Fürer , Michael Sipser , Yishay Mansour
Adv. Comput. Res. 5 429 -442
Oded Goldreich , Salil P. Vadhan
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity 18 4
Oded Goldreich , Shafi Goldwasser
IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive 1998 5
Oded Goldreich , Shmuel Safra
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity 3
Oded Goldreich , Moni Naor , Yoad Lustig
IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive 2002 89
Oded Goldreich , Erez Petrank , Rafail Ostrovsky
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity 1
Oded Goldreich
Theoretical Computer Science 27 -87
Oded Goldreich , Ronen Vainish
international cryptology conference 73 -86