Yves Le Traon , Tegawendé François D Assise Bissyande , Jacques Klein , Daoyuan Li
Yves Le Traon , Tegawendé François D Assise Bissyande , Jessica Lin , Jacques Klein
extending database technology 205 -216
Tegawendé François D Assise Bissyande , Alexandre Bartel , Jacques Klein , Jordan Samhi
international conference on software engineering
Yusuf Arslan , Bertrand Lebichot , Kevin Allix , Lisa Veiber
Smpte Journal
Li Li , Tegawendé François D Assise Bissyande , Jacques Klein , Yves Le Traon
Grande Region Security and Reliability Day 2015
Cedric Lothritz , Bertrand Lebichot , Kevin Allix , Lisa Veiber
Proceedings of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 2022 5080 -5089
Jordan Samhi , Tegawendé François D Assise Bissyande , Jacques Klein
Multi-System & Internet Security Cookbook 115
Haoye Tian , Yinghua Li , WEIGUO Pian , Abdoul Kader Kaboré
arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.13296
Mehrdad Abdi , Boladji Vinny Adjibi , Kevin Allix , Gábor Antal
Xunzhu Tang , Haoye Tian , Pingfan Kong , Kui Liu
arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.02818
Yonghui Liu , Xiao Chen , Yue Liu , Pingfan Kong
arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.01752
Tegawendé F Bissyande , Oumarou Sie ,
Springer 208
Tegawende F BISSYANDE , Ferdian THUNG , David LO , Lingxiao JIANG
ICECCS 2013: 2013 International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems: Singapore, 17-19 July 2013: Proceedings 242 -245
Pavneet Singh KOCHHAR , Tegawende F BISSYANDE , David LO , Lingxiao JIANG
2013 13th International Conference on Quality Software (QSIC 2013): Proceedings 29 -30
Nadia Daoudi , Kevin Allix , Tegawendé François Bissyandé , Jacques Klein
ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security 25 ( 2) 1 -28
Isabella Olariu , Cedric Lothritz , Tegawendé François d Assise BISSYANDE , Jacques Klein
Marco Alecci , Pedro Jesús RUIZ JIMÉNEZ , Kevin Allix , Tegawendé François d Assise BISSYANDE
2024 IEEE/ACM 21st International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR)
Moumini Kabore , Rodrique Kafando , Aminata Sabane , Abdoul Kader Kabore
Hamed Joseph Ouily , Aminata Sabané , Delwende Eliane Birba , Rodrique Kafando
Hamed Joseph Ouily , Aminata Sabané , Delwende Eliane Birba , Rodrique Kafando