S. Vassilopoulos , C. Esk , S. Hoshino , B. H. Funke
Science 324 ( 5931) 1192 -1196
E. Man , K. A. Lafferty , B. H. Funke , K.-S. Lun
Case Reports 2013
N. K. Lakdawala , J. R. Winterfield , B. H. Funke
Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 6 ( 1) 228 -237
Alexander G. Bick , Jason Flannick , Kaoru Ito , Susan Cheng
American Journal of Human Genetics 91 ( 3) 513 -519
Elisabetta Cerbai , Connie R Bezzina , Francesco Mazzarotto , Elisabeth M Lodder
Genetics in Medicine 23 ( 5) 856 -864
Jodie Ingles , Jennifer Goldstein , Courtney Thaxton , Colleen Caleshu
Circulation 12 ( 2)
Jodie Ingles , J Peter van Tintelen , Christopher Semsarian , James S Ware
Genetics in Medicine 20 ( 3) 351 -359
Nicola Whiffin , Eric Minikel , Roddy Walsh , Anne H O’Donnell-Luria
Genetics in Medicine 19 ( 10) 1151 -1158
Takeshi Hiramoto , Go Suzuki , Gina Kang , Birgit Funke
Neuroscience Research 65 S121 -S122
Steven M Harrison , Birgit Funke
Clinical Chemistry 66 ( 10) 1263 -1265
Neal K. Lakdawala , Samantha Baxter , Elizabeth Duffy , Raju Kucherlapati
Journal of Cardiac Failure 15 ( 6)
Neal K. Lakdawala , Lisa Dellefave , Elizabeth Sparks , Allison Cirino
Journal of Cardiac Failure 15 ( 6) 320
Horst Meier , Marion Steven , Birgit Funke , Mario Boßlau
Functional Thinking for Value Creation 315 -319
Michelle Olive , Ingrid Harten , Richard Mitchell , Jeanette K. Beers
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 30 ( 11) 2301 -2309
Priya Choudhry , Deepa Joshi , Birgit Funke , Nikolaus Trede
Developmental Biology 349 ( 2) 483 -493
Sandra Merscher , Birgit Funke , Jonathan A. Epstein , Joerg Heyer
Cell 104 ( 4) 619 -629
Birgit Funke , Christine T. Finn , Alex M. Plocik , Stephen Lake
American Journal of Human Genetics 75 ( 5) 891 -898
Jeffrey M. Long , Patricia LaPorte , Sandra Merscher , Birgit Funke
Neurogenetics 7 ( 4) 247 -257
Victoria N. Parikh , Colleen Caleshu , Chloe Reuter , Laura C. Lazzeroni
Circulation-heart Failure 12 ( 3) - --
Birgit Funke , Anne Puech , Bruno Saint-Jore , Raj Pandita
Genomics 53 ( 2) 146 -154