Renard Y. J. Siew
Springer International Publishing 1 -14
Renard Y. J. Siew , Hiyam al-Kilidar
The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture, and Change Management: Annual Review 10 ( 1) 385 -402
Renard Y. J. Siew , Maria C. A. Balatbat , David G. Carmichael
Asia-pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics 23 ( 4) 432 -448
Renard Y. J. Siew , Maria C. A. Balatbat , David G. Carmichael
Smart and Sustainable Built Environment 2 ( 2) 106 -139
Renard Y. J. Siew , Samad M. Sepasgozar , Ali Akbarnezhad
Proceedings of International Structural Engineering and Construction 2 ( 1)
Renard Y. J. Siew
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering Sustainability 168 ( 6) 230 -244
Renard Y. J. Siew
Building Research and Information 43 ( 2) 160 -169
Renard Yung Jhien Siew
International Journal of Sustainable Construction Engineering and Technology 5 ( 2) 39 -52
Renard Yung Jhien Siew
Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building 17 ( 2) 81 -91
Renard Yung Jhien Siew
Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building 14 ( 2) 87 -103
Renard Yung Jhien Siew
Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction 20 ( 3) 252 -267
Renard Yung Jhien Siew
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 20 ( 1) 101 -108
Renard Yung Jhien Siew
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering Sustainability 1 -9
Renard Y. J. R. Siew
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering Sustainability 168 ( 1) 3 -6
R.Y.J. Siew
Smpte Journal
R. Y.J. Siew
M.C.A. Balatbat , Y.J.R. Siew , D.G. Carmichael
35th Annual Congress European Accounting Association
Renard Siew
Sustainable Buildings 2 2
Renard Siew
Sustainable Buildings 4 2
Renard Siew
Sustainable Buildings 5 3