Bueno Fd , Silvestrin M , Sirius Evp , de Azevedo Gb
Cleber S. Ferreira , Raphael Y. Camargo , Siang Wun Song
2014 International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing Workshop 12 -17
Fabrizio F Borelli , Raphael Y Camargo , David C Martins , Beatriz Stransky
international conference on computational advances in bio and medical sciences 1 -6
Jó Ueyama , Vítor P. V. Pinto , Edmundo R. M. Madeira , Paul Grace
Proceedings of the Fourth International ICST Conference on COMmunication System softWAre and middlewaRE - COMSWARE '09 12
Danilo Carastan‐Santos , David C. Martins‐Jr , Siang W. Song , Luiz C.S. Rozante
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 31 ( 18)
Mayuri A. Morais , Raphael Y. Camargo
Anais do Workshop de Computação Urbana (CoUrb) 83 -96
R.Y. de Camargo , F. Kon , R. Cerqueira
IEEE Distributed Systems Online 7 ( 9) 1 -1
R.Y. De Camargo , F. Kon , A. Goldman
symposium on computer architecture and high performance computing 226 -234
Ronaldo V. Nunes , Marcelo B. Reyes , Raphael Y. de Camargo
Biological Cybernetics 113 ( 3) 309 -320
Danilo Carastan-Santos , Raphael Yokoingawa De Camargo , David Correa Martins , Siang Wun Song
ieee acm international symposium cluster cloud and grid computing 313 -322
Igor Carrara , Bruno Aristimunha , Marie-Constance Corsi , Raphael Yokoingawa De Camargo
Soph. IA summit 2023
Bruno Aristimunha , Raphael Yokoingawa De Camargo , Walter Hugo Lopez Pinaya , Florian Yger
Journée CORTICO 2023
Bruno Aristimunha , Alexandre Janoni Bayerlein , M Jorge Cardoso , Walter Hugo Lopez Pinaya
Ieee Access 11 34595 -34602
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 20 ( 6) 843 -873
Robson Aleixo , Fabio Kon , Rudi Rocha , Marcela Santos Camargo
International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Health (AI4Health) - CCGrid'22 940 -947
Eduardo B Falbel , Lucas Meyer de Freitas , Kay W Axhausen , Fabio Kon
44º Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (CSBC 2024)
Marcos Amaris , Mayuri A Morais , Raphael Y De Camargo
2021 IEEE International Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC) 2215 -2220
Raphael Y De Camargo , Denis Trystram , Salah Zrigui , Romolo Marotta
Salah Zrigui , Raphael y de Camargo , Denis Trystram , Arnaud Legrand