Felix Freiling , Ernst Biersack , Moritz Steiner , Frederic Dahl
LEET'08 Proceedings of the 1st Usenix Workshop on Large-Scale Exploits and Emergent Threats 9
Pere Barlet-Ros , Moritz Steiner
Computer Communications 94 103
Moritz Steiner , Damiano Carra , Ernst W. Biersack
international conference on peer-to-peer computing 195 -204
Damiano Carra , Moritz Steiner , Pietro Michiardi
international conference on peer-to-peer computing 92 -101
Vijay K. Adhikari , Yang Guo , Fang Hao , Volker Hilt
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 23 ( 6) 1984 -1997
Moritz Steiner , Ernst W. Biersack
ieee international conference computer and communications 288 -289
Fabio Pianese , Peter Bosch , Alessandro Duminuco , Nico Janssens
network operations and management symposium 335 -342
John P. Rula , Fabián E. Bustamante , Moritz Steiner
internet measurement conference 191 -204
Utkarsh Goel , Moritz Steiner , Mike P. Wittie , Martin Flack
acm/ieee international conference on mobile computing and networking 176 -188
Utkarsh Goel , Moritz Steiner , Mike P. Wittie , Martin Flack
acm/ieee international conference on mobile computing and networking 433 -434
Yanhua Li , Moritz Steiner , Limin Wang , Zhi-Li Zhang
Proceedings of the 2012 ACM conference on CoNEXT student workshop 21 -22
Vijay Kumar Adhikari , Yang Guo , Fang Hao , Matteo Varvello
international conference on computer communications 1620 -1628
Yanhua Li , Moritz Steiner , Limin Wang , Zhi-Li Zhang
2013 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM 3357 -3362
Matteo Varvello , Moritz Steiner
international conference on computer communications 103 -108
Georg Hampel , Moritz Steiner , Tian Bu
international conference on computer communications 133 -138
Yanhua Li , Moritz Steiner , Jie Bao , Limin Wang
international conference on data engineering 1096 -1107
Suman Srinivasan , Ivica Rimac , Volker Hilt , Moritz Steiner
2011 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 1 -5
Fangzhe Chang , Peter S. Fales , Moritz Steiner , Ramesh Viswanathan
Bell Labs Technical Journal 17 ( 2) 121 -142
Matteo Varvello , Moritz Steiner
NETWORKING'11 Proceedings of the 10th international IFIP TC 6 conference on Networking - Volume Part II 40 -53
Prithula Dhungel , Keith W. Ross , Moritz Steiner , Ye Tian
passive and active network measurement 231 -241