Josefine Engel , Marshini Chetty , Arunesh Mathur , Victoria Chang
symposium on usable privacy and security 43 -58
Marshini Chetty , Arunesh Mathur
symposium on usable privacy and security 175 -193
Jessica Vitak , Arvind Narayanan , Marshini Chetty , Arunesh Mathur
symposium on usable privacy and security 103 -116
Frank Li , Marshini Chetty , Arunesh Mathur , Nathan Malkin
symposium on usable privacy and security 273 -288
Arvind Narayanan , Marshini Chetty , Gunes Acar , Arunesh Mathur
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 3 81
Yan Shvartzshnaider , Nick Feamster , Dillon Reisman , Arunesh Mathur
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies 2 ( 2) 59
Arunesh Mathur
human factors in computing systems
Alexis Hiniker , Colin M. Gray , Arunesh Mathur , Kai Lukoff
human factors in computing systems
Arunesh Mathur , Jonathan Mayer , Mihir Kshirsagar
human factors in computing systems
Eyal Pe'er , Serge Egelman , Marian Harbach , Nathan Malkin
Social Science Research Network
Nathan Malkin , Arunesh Mathur , Marian Harbach , Serge Egelman
European Workshop on Usable Security
Arunesh Mathur , Harshal Choudhary , Priyank Vashist , William Thies
annual software engineering workshop 168 -176
Hooman Mohajeri Moghaddam , Gunes Acar , Ben Burgess , Arunesh Mathur
computer and communications security 131 -147
Michael Swart , Ylana Lopez , Arunesh Mathur , Marshini Chetty
human factors in computing systems 1 -12
Arunesh Mathur , Brent Schlotfeldt , Marshini Chetty
ubiquitous computing 1209 -1220
Arunesh Mathur , Angelina Wang , Carsten Schwemmer , Maia Hamin
Big Data & Society 10 ( 1) 20539517221145371 -20539517221145371
Noah Apthorpe , Pardis Emami-Naeini , Arunesh Mathur , Marshini Chetty
ACM Transactions on Internet of Things 3 ( 4) 1 -29
Zahra Moti , Asuman Senol , Hamid Bostani , Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius
Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (IEEE S&P 2024)
Colin M Gray , Shruthi Sai Chivukula , Kerstin Bongard-Blanchy , Arunesh Mathur
1 -4
Arunesh Mathur , Nathan Malkin , Marian Harbach , Eyal Peer
arXiv preprint arXiv:1805.04594