Balint Peceli , Gabor Singler , Zoltan Theisz , Csaba Hegedus
conference of the industrial electronics society 5271 -5276
Pál Patrik Varga , Rafael Bidarra
Proceedings of PCG 2023 - Workshop on Procedural Content Generation for Games
Annie Gravey , Pal Varga , Moufida Feknous , Jose Alfonso Torrijos Gijon
Advances in Computer Science : an International Journal 4 ( 3) 126 -140
Pal Varga , Peter Olaszi
european wireless conference 1 -6
Pal Varga , Balazs Nagy , Mitch Gusat , Peter Orosz
conference on network and service management 212 -218
Roberto Passerone , Daniela Cancila , Michele Albano , Sebti Mouelhi
IEEE Access 7 125022 -125037
Pal Varga , Fredrik Blomstedt , Luis Lino Ferreira , Jens Eliasson
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 81 85 -95
Balint Peceli , Gabor Singler , Zoltan Theisz , Csaba Hegedus
IEEE Access 6 73210 -73222
Pal Varga , Sandor Plosz , Gabor Soos , Csaba Hegedus
international workshop on factory communication systems 1 -6
Gabor Soos , Daniel Ficzere , Pal Varga
conference on network and service management 1 -6
Pal Varga , Peter Olaszi
ieee international conference on advanced networks and telecommunications systems 1 -6
Hasan Derhamy , Jens Eliasson , Jerker Delsing , Pablo Punal Pereira
2015 IEEE 20th Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation (ETFA) 1 -8
Pal Varga , Daniel Kozma , Csaba Hegedus
emerging technologies and factory automation 203 -210
Daniel Kozma , Pal Varga , Felix Larrinaga
2019 24th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA) 385 -392
Pal Varga , Daniel Kozma , Tamas Tothfalusi
2017 IFIP/IEEE Symposium on Integrated Network and Service Management (IM) 979 -982
Peter Orosz , Tamas Tothfalusi , Pal Varga
IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials 21 ( 2) 2015 -2040
Gabor Soos , Ferenc Nandor Janky , Pal Varga
2019 42nd International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP) 562 -565
Pal Varga , Tamas Tothfalusi , Zsolt Balog , Gabor Sey
NOMS 2018 - 2018 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium 1 -4
Balazs Nagy , Peter Orosz , Tamas Tothfalusi , Laszlo Kovacs
NOMS 2018 - 2018 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium 1 -4
Geza Kulcsar , Kadosa Koltai , Szvetlin Tanyi , Balint Peceli
NOMS 2020 - 2020 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium 1 -6