Reducing high energy contamination in SPECT using a rotating slat collimator

Steven Staelens , Roel Van Holen , Ignace Lemahieu , Stefaan Vandenberghe
Book of Abstracts 4th International Conference on Imaging Technologies in Biomedical Sciences, Milos Island. 2007

Combined shearlet and TV regularization in sparse-view CT reconstruction

Aleksandra Pizurica , Steven Staelens , Roel Van Holen , Bert Vandeghinste
2nd International Meeting on image formation in X-ray Computed Tomography, Proceedings

Development of a compact MicroSPECT system for sequential SPECT- MRI

Karen Van Audenhaege , Karel Deprez , Stefaan Vandenberghe , Roel Van Holen
PET/MR and SPECT/MR : New Paradigms for Combined Modalities in Molecular Imaging Conference 18 -18

Calculating numerical observer performance for list mode PET using the bootstrap method

Yves D'Asseler , Stefaan Vandenberghe , Rik Van de Walle , C Groiselle
Proceedings of the VIIth international conference on Fully 3D Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine 2 -4

Fast 3D image reconstruction for rotating slat collimated gamma cameras

Steven Staelens , Roel Van Holen , Ignace Lemahieu , Yves D'Asseler
9th International meeting on Fully Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine (Fully 3D 2007) 390 -393

A 3D model incorporating spatial detection uncertainty in continuous detector PET: Monte Carlo evaluation of a theoretical study

Steven Staelens , Ignace Lemahieu , Yves D'Asseler , Stefaan Vandenberghe
Proceedings of the VIIth International Conference on Fully 3D Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine 1 -3

MRI-only based workflow for 3D conformal small animal radiation therapy

Roel Van Holen , Stefaan Vandenberghe , Christian Vanhove , Pieter van Mierlo
2013 World Molecular Imaging Congress (WMIC 2013)

3D SPECT visualization of blood and dialysate flow in hollow fiber dialyzers

P De Bondt , Rudi Dierckx , Pascal Verdonck , Sunny Eloot
Proceedings of the World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (CD) 1 -1

Impact of Time-Of-flight on reconstruction performance and image quality

Ignace Lemahieu , Stefaan Vandenberghe
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 34 238

List mode based correction and reconstruction techniques for coincidence data of a gamma camera

Ignace Lemahieu , Yves D'Asseler , Stefaan Vandenberghe , Luc Bouwens
Proceedings of the 1st PhD symposium, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Ghent University, Ghent, 2000

Coincidence camera F-18-FDG imaging for the diagnosis of chronic orthopedic infections: a feasiblity study

Stefaan Vandenberghe , P De Bondt , Rudi Dierckx , C Van De Wiele
The Journal of Nuclear Medicine 42

Reconstruction techniques in nuclear medicine time-of-flight PET

Stefaan Vandenberghe
Department of Physics and Mathematics of ISEC - Coimbra Institute of Engineering, 2nd Workshop, Book of abstracts

Exploiting the characteristics of a prototype rotating slat collimated solid state strip detector: dual isotope imaging

Steven Staelens , Yves D'Asseler , Stefaan Vandenberghe , Ignace Lemahieu
Annual Symposium of the Belgian Hospital Physicist Association, 21st, Abstract book

Triple headed coincidence FDG imaging in oncology: preliminary results and comparison with dedicated PET

Yves D'Asseler , Stefaan Vandenberghe , F De Winter , Rudi Dierckx
The Journal of Nuclear Medicine 42

Continuous-spectrum Emission Tomography (CET) for quantifying the absorbed dose of in-vivo bremsstrahlung

Stefaan Vandenberghe , Stephan Walrand , Manuel Bardiès , Damian Borys
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

Monte Carlo Simulations of Transmission Measurements with a Medium Energy Moving Point Source

Steven Staelens , Ignace Lemahieu , Yves D'Asseler , Stefaan Vandenberghe
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 30 223 -223

Assessment of lesion detectability in brain SPECT imaging.

P Lahorte , Ignace Lemahieu , Yves D'Asseler , Stefaan Vandenberghe
Journal Nucl. Med. Technology, 26, p. 130

Geometric sensitivity for triple-headed gamma camera based coincidence imaging.

Ignace Lemahieu , Yves D'asseler , Stefaan Vandenberghe , Rik Van de Walle
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 27

Simulation toolkit for detailed analysis of prompt gamma generation in hadron therapy

Roel Van Holen , Stefaan Vandenberghe , Samuel Espana Palomares , Faruk Diblen
International conference on Translational Research in Radiation Oncology & Physics for Health in Europe

Fast reconstruction of 3D TOF PET data by mashing into coarse angles and Most Likely Slice ReBinning

R Lewitt , J Karp , M Daube-Witherspoon , Stefaan Vandenberghe
Proceedings of the 8th International Meeting on Fully Three-dimensional Image Reconstruction in Radialogy and Nuclear Medicine