Edoardo Persichetti
IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive 2017 397
Edoardo Persichetti , Daniel J. Bernstein
IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive 2018 526
Edoardo Persichetti , Marco Baldi , Paolo Santini
IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive 2018 666
Olivier Blazy , Gilles Zémor , Carlos Aguilar Melchor , Philippe Gaborit
Edoardo Persichetti , Paulo S. L. M. Barreto
IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive 2018 1111
Kris Gaj , Edoardo Persichetti , Cheikh Thiecoumba Gueye , Pierre-Louis Cayrel
IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive 2017 ( 1037) 1037
Rainer Steinwandt , Adriana Suárez Corona , Edoardo Persichetti
Actas de las V Jornadas Nacionales de Ciberseguridad: junio 5-7, 2019. Cáceres, 2019, ISBN 978-84-09-12121-2, págs. 304-305 304 -305
Edoardo Persichetti , Giacomo Micheli , Paolo Santini , Jean-François Biasse
IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive 2020 206
Edoardo Persichetti , Marco Baldi , Paolo Santini , Karan Khathuria
IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive 2020 905
Edoardo Persichetti , Jean-Christophe Deneuville , Marco Baldi , Paolo Santini
IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive 2021 134
Alessandro Barenghi , Edoardo Persichetti , Paolo Santini , Jean-François Biasse
IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive 2021 396
Edoardo Persichetti , Shay Gueron , Shay Gueron , Nir Drucker
International Journal of Computer Mathematics: Computer Systems Theory 1 -13
Paulo S Barreto , Gustavo Banegas , Brice Odilon Boidje , Pierre-Louis Cayrel
Code-Based Cryptography Workshop 69 -85
Edoardo Persichetti
International Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Computer and Information Sciences 454 -459
Edoardo Persichetti
Cryptography 2 ( 4) 30
Jean-Luc Danger , Youssef El Housni , Adrien Facon , Cheikh Gueye
Cryptography 2 ( 3) 25
Marco Baldi , Giovanni Cancellieri , Franco Chiaraluce , Edoardo Persichetti
aeit international annual conference
Simona Samardjiska , Paolo Santini , Edoardo Persichetti , Gustavo Banegas
international conference on progress in cryptology 2019 197 -216
Edoardo Persichetti
provable security 165 -181
Nina Bindel , Mike Hamburg , Kathrin Hövelmanns , Andreas Hülsing
theory of cryptography conference 61 -90