Rim Rekik , Ilhem Kallel , Adel M. Alimi
intelligent systems design and applications 585 -590
Rim Rekik , Ilhem Kallel
international conference on next generation web services practices 296 -301
Rim Rekik , Ilhem Kallel , Adel M. Alimi
international conference hybrid intelligent systems 291 -296
Rim Rekik , Ilhem Kallel , Adel M. Alimi
systems, man and cybernetics 003469 -003474
Rim Rekik , Ilhem Kallel , Jorge Casillas , Adel M Alimi
International journal of information management 38 ( 1) 201 -216
Rim Rekik , Ilhem Kallel , Jorge Casillas , Adel M Alimi
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security 14 ( 7) 747 -747
Rim Rekik , Ilhem Kallel
International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications 5 11 -11
Rim Rekik
Hybrid Intelligent Systems: 19th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS 2019) held in Bhopal, India, December 10-12, 2019 19 197 -209