Steven Bradtke , Wendy G Lehnert
AAAI 133 -138
AG Barto , SJ Bradtke
The Proceedings of the Seventh Yale Workshop on Adaptive and Learning Systems 143 -148
Steven J. Bradtke
neural information processing systems 5 295 -302
Steven J. Bradtke , Michael O. Duff
neural information processing systems 7 393 -400
Andrew G. Barto , Steven J. Bradtke , Satinder P. Singh
Artificial Intelligence 72 ( 1) 81 -138
Steven J. Bradtke , Andrew G. Barto
Machine Learning 22 ( 1-3) 33 -57
Steven J. Bradtke
Smpte Journal
Steven J Bradtke , B Erik Ydstie , Andrew G Barto
Proceedings of 1994 American Control Conference-ACC'94 3 3475 -3479
Andrew Gehret Barto , Steven J Bradtke , Satinder P Singh
University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Department of Computer and Information Science