Glenn W Harrison , Bengt Kriström
Edward Elgar Publishing 59 -108
Ronald G Cummings , Glenn W Harrison , Laura L Osborne
Economics Working Paper B-95 3
Glenn W Harrison
Economics Working Paper 96 -10
Glenn W Harrison , Don Ross
Journal of Economic Methodology 25 ( 1) 42 -67
Glenn W Harrison , Michael McKee , Elisabet E Rutstrom
Advances in behavioral economics 2 54 -94
Glenn W Harrison
Edward Elgar Publishing 246 -275
Glenn W Harrison , Andre Hofmeyr , Harold Kincaid , Brian Monroe
Experimental economics 25 ( 3) 795 -823
Steffen Andersen , Glenn W Harrison , Morten I Lau , E Elisabet Rutström
University of Central Florida Department of Economics Working Paper 06 -10
Glenn W Harrison , Thomas F Rutherford , David G Tarr , Angelo Costa Gurgel
Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (Ipea)
Glenn W Harrison , Thomas F Rutherford , David G Tarr
Cuadernos de Economía 101 -137
Xiaoxue Sherry Gao , Glenn W Harrison , Rusty Tchernis
Experimental Economics 26 ( 2) 273 -303
Steffen Andersen , John Fountain , Glenn W Harrison , E Elisabet Rutström
Research Papers in Economics
Glenn W Harrison , L BEEKMAN , Lloyd B Brown , Leianne A Clements
Topics in Environmental Economics 217 -217
Glenn W Harrison , Bengt Kriström
Rapport pour le Comité sur
Glenn W Harrison
Department of Economics, University of Melbourne
Glenn W Harrison
Environmental and Resource Economics
Steffen Andersen , Glenn W Harrison , Morten I Lau , E Elisabet Rutström
Research Papers in Economics
Christoph Böhringer , Glenn W Harrison , Thomas F Rutherford
Empirical Modeling of the Economy and the Environment 153 -179
Glenn W Harrison , John A List
Field Experiments in Economics 10
Glenn W Harrison , E Elisabet Rutström
Experimental Economics 12 ( 2) 133 -158