Statistical Investigation of Langmuir Waves in the Solar Wind

William Trevett , Iver Cairns , Daniel Graham
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022 SH33A -04

A Generalised model for Earth's foreshock radiation

Patrick Oppel , Iver Cairns
44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 16-24 July 44 1222 -1222

Dependence of type II radio burst intensities on the electron thermal speed, the kappa parameter, and density turbulence

Joachim Schmidt , Iver Cairns
44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 16-24 July 44 1238 -1238

Radio emissions due to shocks ahead of bolides entering the ionosphere

Patrick Oppel , Iver Cairns
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021 SM35D -2004

Density Turbulence and the Angular Broadening of Radio Sources in the high latitude and Ecliptic Planes

Samira Tasnim , Gary Zank , Iver Cairns , Laxman Adhikari
APS Annual Gaseous Electronics Meeting Abstracts MR13. 006 -MR13. 006

Roles of nonthermal distributions in generating solar radio bursts

Iver Cairns
43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 28 January-4 February 43 1105 -1105

Type II Solar Radio Bursts and Kappa Electron Distributions

Joachim Schmidt , Iver Cairns
43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 28 January-4 February 43 1108 -1108

Probability Distributions of Langmuir Waves in Type II and III sources

William Trevett , Iver Cairns , Daniel Graham
43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 28 January-4 February 43 1068 -1068

Density Turbulence and the Angular Broadening of Radio Sources in the Polar and Ecliptic Planes

Samira Tasnim , Gary Paul Zank , Iver Cairns , Laxman Adhikari
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020 SH023 -0005

Propagation of radiation in fluctuating multiscale plasmas: Kinetic theory and simulations

Kunwar Singh , PA Robinson , Yu Tyshetskiy , Iver Cairns
APS Division of Plasma Physics Meeting Abstracts 2011 UO5. 011 -UO5. 011

8th Australian Space Science Conference

Wayne Short , Iver Cairns
Proceedings from 8th Australian Space Science Conference

Radio Emission from the Outer Heliosphere and Beyond

Iver Cairns
IAU Joint Discussion 25 E27 -E27

ARBIS 3: A Software Package for Automated Radio Burst Identification

P. A. Robinson , G. Patterson , V. Lobzin , G. Steward
AGUFM 2010

Type II and type III radiation from Langmuir wave eigenmodes

I. H. Cairns , S. D. Bale , D. M. Malaspina , M. L. Kaiser
EGUGA 5464

Automatic Recognition of Coronal Type II Radio Bursts: The Method for ARBIS 2

G. Paterson , P. A. Robinson , V. Lobzin , G. Steward
AGUFM 2009

Plasma waves associated with the space shuttle

D. A. Gurnett , I. H. Cairns
ESASP 311 87 -92