Benjamin Breen , Hugh Kelley , Stepehen Hynes
Research Papers in Economics
Cathal O Donoghue , Peter Howley , Niall Farrelly , Mary Ryan
Irish Forestry 33 -43
C. Buckley , S. Hynes , T. van Rensburg
Ekológia Trávneho Porastu VII, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia, 28-30 November 2007 417 -420
M. Cuddy , C. O'Donoghue , K. Morrissey , S. Hynes
Socio-Economic Marine Research Unit (SEMRU), National University of Ireland, Galway
S. Hynes , E. Murphy , C. O'Donoghue , A. Kinsella
Tearmann ( 6) 15 -28
N. Hanley , S. Hynes , S. Wall , M. Christie
Small-scale forestry and rural development: the intersection of ecosystems, economics and society. Proceedings of IUFRO 3.08 Conference, hosted by Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, Galway, Ireland, 18-23 June 2006. 191 -197
S. Hynes , D. Norton
Research Papers in Economics
A. Ghermandi , S. Hynes , D. Norton , H. Williams
Research Papers in Economics
S. Hynes , J. Curtis , J. Deely
National University of Ireland ( 2)
S. Hynes , R. Corless , A. Vega
Marine Institute
I. Mateo-Mantecón , S. Hynes , A. Tsakiridis , E. O’Connor
Research Papers in Economics
P. Gillespie , F. Thorne , T. Hennessy , S. Hynes
CABI 77 -94
A.V. Krøvel , B. Gjerstad , K. Skoland , K.M. Lindland
Marine Policy 108 103648
F. J. Byrne , P. S. Waters , S. M. Waters , S. Hynes
Irish Journal of Medical Science 180 ( 1) 185 -189
S. Hynes , N. Hanley , C. O'Donoghue
Land Economics 86 ( 2) 345 -362
S. Hynes , W. Greene
Land Economics 89 ( 1) 177 -192
McGrath , Hynes
Biology and Environment: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy ( 2) 153
Norton , Hynes , Buckley , Ryan
Biology and Environment: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy ( 2) 123
Benjamin Breen , Stephen Hynes
Research Papers in Economics
Stephen Hynes , Guang Shun He , Rui Zhao
Research Papers in Economics