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Carlos Bautista , Eloy Revilla , Javier Naves , Néstor Fernández
Proceedings of the 5th European Congress of Conservation Biology
Carlos Bautista , Eloy Revilla , Javier Naves , Jörg Albrecht
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Roxana Rojas-VeraPinto , Carlos Bautista , Nuria Selva
Global Ecology and Conservation 36 e02112
Carlos Bautista , Eloy Revilla , Teresa Berezowska-Cnota , Néstor Fernández
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288 ( 1958) 20211394 -20211394
Teresa Berezowska‐Cnota , Maciej K Konopiński , Kamil Bartoń , Carlos Bautista
Journal of Applied Ecology 60 ( 6) 1127 -1138
Nuria Selva , Carlos Bautista , Alberto Fernández-Gil , Miguel de Gabriel Hernando
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Eloy Revilla , Carles Vilà , Jennifer A Leonard , Alberto Fernández-Gil
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Carlos Bautista , Julian Oeser , Tobias Kuemmerle , Nuria Selva
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Carlos Bautista , Julian Oeser , Tobias Kuemmerle , Nuria Selva
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Carlos Bautista , Javier Naves , Eloy Revilla , Néstor Fernández
Journal of Applied Ecology
Carlos Bautista , Agnieszka Olszańska , Teresa Berezowska-Cnota , Hubert Fedyń
Chrońmy Przyrodę Ojczystąonmy 71 ( 6) 442 -453
Carlos Bautista , Agnieszka Olszańska , Teresa Berezowska-Cnota , Hubert Fedyń
Let's protect Our Indigenous Nature 71 ( 6) 442 -453
Laetitia Nunny , Carlos Bautista , Santiago Palazón , Andrew W Trites
Carnivore Damage Prevention News ( 20) 13 -19
Eloy Revilla , Javier Naves , Alberto Fernández , Carlos Rodríguez
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Carlos Bautista
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Giulia Bombieri , Javier Naves , Vincenzo Penteriani , Nuria Selva
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