Peter J Richerson , Thomas H Suchanek , Stephen J Why
University of California, Division of Environmental Studies
William H Durham , Robert Boyd , Peter J Richerson
Psychology Press 327 -353
Timothy Kittel , Peter J Richerson
Internationale Vereinigung für theoretische und angewandte Limnologie: Verhandlungen 20 ( 2) 1203 -1209
Peter J Richerson , Robert Boyd
Explain Cult Sci 75 -99
Robert Boyd , Peter J Richerson
Origins of the Human Brain. Oxford University Press, Oxford 155 -169
Peter J Richerson , Heath J Carney
SIL Proceedings 23 ( 2) 734 -738
Peter Weingart , William H Durham , Robert Boyd , Peter J Richerson
Psychology Press 299 -325
Robert Boyd , Peter J Richerson
Rasmussen (1993) 119 -134
Peter J Richerson , Lesley Newson
Yes, No, Neutral, but Mostly, We Don’t Know,[in:] The Evolution of Religion: Studies, Theories & Critiques, eds. J. Bulbulia, R. Sosis, E. Harris et al., Collins Foundation Press, Santa Margarita
Peter Weingart , Sandra D Mitchell , Peter J Richerson , Sabine Maasen
Peter J Richerson , Thomas H Suchanek , Jesse C Becker , Alan C Heyvaert
CRC Press 119 -148
Lesley Newson , Peter J Richerson
Evolution’s empress: Darwinian perspectives on the nature of women. Oxford University Press, Oxford 151 -167
Peter J Richerson
Why we disagree about human nature 145 -145
Peter J Richerson , Robert T Boyd , Charles Efferson
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 379 ( 1893) 20220252 -20220252
Peter J Richerson , Robert Boyd , Kimmo Pietiläinen
Terra Cognita
Lien-Siang Chou , Rex E Marsh , Peter J Richerson
Acta Zoologica Taiwanica 11 ( 2) 95 -109
Peter J Richerson , Robert Boyd , Robert L Bettinger
Davis CA Univ. Of
Charles Efferson , Peter J Richerson , Vanessa P Weinberger
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 379 ( 1893) 20220257 -20220257
Robert Boyd , Peter J Richerson
Evolution of mind: Fundamental questions and controversies 221 -225
Sergey Gavrilets , Peter J Richerson
Evolutionary Human Sciences 4 e51 -e51