Cammy Booth , Luca Corradi , Myrtle Dawes , Ana Pires de Almeida
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO (United States) ( NREL/TP-6A50-84100)
David Littell , Camille Kadoch , Philip Baker , Ranjit Bharvirkar
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization: Regulatory Assistance Project>>
David Littell , Camille Kadoch , Philip Baker , Ranjit Bharvirkar
RAP: Regulatory Assistance Project
Jeffrey Logan , G Heath , J Macknick , E Paranhos
Jeffrey Logan , Cara Marcy , James McCall , Francisco Flores-Espino
Renewable Energy 17 -17
Eric Lantz , Daniel Steinberg , Michael Mendelsohn , Owen Zinaman
Josue Campos do Prado , Jeffrey Logan , Francisco Flores-Espino
National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States) ( NREL/PR-6A50-76802)
Tanzeed Alam , Mari Luomi , Y Baek , T Coburn
Jane A Leggett , Jeffrey Logan , Anna Mackey
Congressional Research Service
April Lee , Owen Zinaman , Jeffrey Logan
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (U.S.)
William Chandler , Yuan Guo , Jeffrey Logan , Yingyi Shi
Project Report: Battele Memorial Institute, Washington DC
Jeffrey Logan , Dongkun Luo
IEA-China Natural Gas Industry Conference 10
Jeffrey Logan
Testimonio, Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, Senado de EEUU 3
Jeffrey Logan , Stan Mark Kaplan , S Kaplan
Economic, and policy issues. Congressional Research Service [CRS]. RL34546
Zhou Dadi , S Yingyi , G Yuan , William Chandler
Beijing Energy Efficiency Center, Beijing, and Battelle, Advanced International Studies Unit, Washington, DC
Jeffrey Logan
Pacific and Asian Journal of Energy 11 ( 1) 1 -13
Jeffrey Logan , John Venezia
World Resources Institute, Washington DC
Jeffrey Logan , Aaron Frank , Jianwu Feng , Indu John
Washington, DC: Battelle Memorial Institute and Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
Jeffrey Logan , William Chandler
China Business Review 25 ( 4)
Jeffrey Logan , Jiqiang Zhang
China Environment Series 2 12 -19