Luke Edward Rendell , Mike Webster , Helen Clare Spence-Jones , Nick A.R. Jones
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 75 ( 3) 1 -11
José María Brotons , Luke Edward Rendell , Enrico Pirotta , Susana Simao
VI Jornades de Medi Ambient de les Illes Balears: ponències i resums 267 -268
Shane Gero , Luke Edward Rendell
Oxford University Press 139 -149
Luke Edward Rendell
National Library of Canada= Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, Ottawa
Luke Edward Rendell
Luke Edward Rendell , José María Brotons
Arxipčlag de Cabrera: histōria natural 425 -442
Luke Rendell , Tyler Schulz , Hal Whitehead
Canadian Acoustics 34 ( 4) 54 -55
Sue Denham , Michael Punt , Edith Doove , Martha Blassnigg
Plymouth University, CogNovo and Transtechnology Research
Luke Rendell , Kevin N. Laland
Trends in Ecology and Evolution 32 ( 9) 625 -626
Luke Rendell , Hal Whitehead , Tim D. Smith
Biology Letters 17 ( 3) 20210030 -20210030
James Williams , Sally A. Keith , John K. B. Ford , Fernando Spina
Proceedings of The Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 288 ( 1949) 20202718 -20202718
Luke Rendell , Shane Gero , Shane Gero , Hal Whitehead
Methods in Ecology and Evolution
Gavin Ballantyne , Katherine C. R. Baldock , Luke Rendell , P. G. Willmer
Scientific Reports 7 ( 1) 8389 -8389
Philippa Brakes , Sasha R. X. Dall , Lucy M. Aplin , Stuart Bearhop
Science 363 ( 6431) 1032 -1034
Elena Miu , Ned Gulley , Kevin N. Laland , Luke Rendell
Science Advances 6 ( 23)
Luke Rendell , Laurel Fogarty , Kevin N. Laland
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 366 ( 1566) 823 -835
Charlotte Dunn , Leigh Hickmott , Darren Talbot , Ian Boyd
Bioacoustics-the International Journal of Animal Sound and Its Recording 22 ( 2) 153 -163
Alexandre Gannier , Estelle Petiau , Violaine Dulau , Luke Rendell
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 92 ( 8) 1799 -1808
Sam F. Walmsley , Luke Rendell , Nigel E. Hussey , Marianne Marcoux
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 147 ( 2) 1078 -1091
Kaitln Palmer , Kate L. Brookes , Luke Rendell
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 141 ( 5) 3604 -3604