Daniel Shafer , Sophie Janicke , Hannah Schmid , Arthur A. Ranev
Qihao Ji , Jessica Tanca , Sophie Janicke
3d Research 4 ( 4) 2
Daniel M. Shafer , Sophie Janicke , Jonmichael Seibert
IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science 21 ( 08) 97 -106
Danyang Zhao , Sophie H. Janicke‐Bowles
The International Encyclopedia of Media Psychology 1 -6
Jasmina Rosič , Lara Schreurs , Sophie H Janicke‐Bowles , Laura Vandenbosch
Child Development
Arthur A Raney , Sophie H Janicke
Routledge 152 -169
Sophie H Janicke , Arthur A Raney
Psychology of Popular Media Culture 7 ( 4) 533 -533
Sophie H Janicke , Arthur A Raney
meeting of International Communication Association, Boton, MA
Sophie H Janicke
The Florida State University
Qihao Ji , Sophie H Janicke
China Media Research 14 ( 1)
Sophie H Janicke-Bowles , Brooke Jenkins , Brooklyn O’Neill , Lauren Thomason
A.A. Janicke , S.H. & Raney
London: Routledge 1 355 -369
Qihao Ji , Sophie H Janicke-Bowles , Joshua Baldwin , Jerrica T Rowlett
New Media & Society 22 ( 3) 507 -527
Mary Beth Oliver , Arthur A Raney , Michael D Slater , Markus Appel
Journal of Communication 68 ( 2) 380 -389
Sophie H Janicke-Bowles , Brooke Jenkins , Brooklyn O'Neill , Lauren Thomason
Psychology of Popular Media
Jasmina Rosič , Sophie H Janicke-Bowles , Luca Carbone , Bojana Lobe
Frontiers in digital health 4 180
Sophie H Janicke-Bowles , Tess M Buckley , Rikishi Rey , Tayah Wozniak
Journal of Happiness Studies 24 ( 3) 1013 -1035
Rebecca NH De Leeuw , Sophie H Janicke-Bowles , Qihao Ji
Mass Communication and Society 25 ( 5) 626 -648
Russell B Clayton , Arthur A Raney , Mary Beth Oliver , Dominik Neumann
Media Psychology 24 ( 3) 359 -384