Ren� Kemp
European Environment 11 ( 5) 250 -264
B Hillebrand , J de Jong , RGM Kemp , EJ Nijssen
RGM Kemp , Pervez N Ghauri
Journal on Chain and Network Science 1 ( 2) 101 -110
JPJ de Jong , RGM Kemp
R Kuiper , AA Bouwman , JGAJ Vorst , JH Trienekes
Bilthoven [etc.]: Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving
HUNG-I Hsiao , RGM Kemp , JGAJ Van der Vorst , SWF Onno Omta
International Journal of Production Economics 124 ( 1) 75 -86
HI Hsiao , RGM Kemp , JGAJ Van der Vorst , SWF Onno Omta
Journal on Chain and network Science 9 ( 2) 105 -118
HI Hsiao , RGM Kemp , JGAJ Van der Vorst , SWF Omta
Electronic proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Management in AgriFood Chains and Networks 28 -30
MJ Gorgievski , RGM Kemp , A Faber
E Etriya , VE Scholten , EFM Wubben , RGM Kemp
WHJ Verhoeven , RGM Kemp , HHM Peeters
Zoetemeer: EIM
DMI Verreth , RGM Kemp , G Emvalomatis , FHJ Bunte
DMI Verreth , G Emvalomatis , RGM Kemp , FHJ Bunte
Ren Kemp , Jan Rotmans
Theory, Evidence and Policy. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham
RENE Kemp , L Soete
C. Freeman and L. Soete, New Explorations in the Economics of Technological Change, London and New York: Pinter Publishers
René Kempa , Harro van Lenteb
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 1 121 -124
René Kemp , Tim Strasser , Ariane Debourdeau , Marianna Markantoni UM
René Kemp
Ekonomiaz: Revista vasca de economía 75 ( 75) 22 -39
René Kemp , Frank Geels
Milieubeleid en technologische ontwikkeling in de Nederlandse economie 17 -44