To the Barricades. Solidarity in Healthcare Markets of Personalisation

Ine Van Hoyweghen
MISFIRES Workshop. Health activism between Markets and Morals, Date: 2019/09/20, Location: UCD, Dublin

Interactions between bottom-up citizen science and local governments after the Fukushima nuclear accident

Joke Kenens , Ine Van Hoyweghen
ERC MISFIRES Workshop. Health activism between Markets and Morals, Location: UCD, Dublin

Market innovation through the State. The role of US’socio-political dynamics in the development of a digital health market

Elisa Lievevrouw , Luca Marelli , Ine Van Hoyweghen
MISFIRES Workshop. Health activism between Markets and Morals, Location: UCD Dublin

Sociale aspecten en implicaties van wearables

Elisa Lievevrouw , Ine Van Hoyweghen
Symposium: Mobile health: zijn we er klaar voor?, Date: 2019/09/19, Location: Leuven

Locally sourced: bottom-up citizen science and local governments after Fukushima

Joke Kenens , Ine Van Hoyweghen
RICOMET 2019, Date: 2019/07/01-2019/07/03, Location: Barcelona

Postgenomic Solidarity. Living Together in European biosocieties

Ine Van Hoyweghen
LERU, Date: 2019/03/26, Location: KU Leuven

The ends of insurance solidarity in an era of behaviour-based personalisation.

Gert Meyers , Ine Van Hoyweghen
Solidarity in research and practice-Why now?, Location: Vienna

Solidarity beyond its Solutionism

Ine Van Hoyweghen
Solidarity in Research and Practice-Why Now?, Location: University of Vienna

Is everybody happy? Experimenting with behaviour-based personalisation in car insurance.

Gert Meyers , Ine Van Hoyweghen
International Workshop ‘Understanding insurance in an era of Big Data’, Location: Leuven

Citizen science after the Fukushima nuclear accident: An encounter with bottom-up crisis management and post-disaster recovery

Joke Kenens , Ine Van Hoyweghen
EASST Conference, Date: 2018/07/25-2018/07/28, Location: Lancaster University

Precision Medicine and the Social Contract. A socio-ethical analysis of PM initiatives in Europe and the US

Ine Van Hoyweghen
Invited Lecture, Date: 2018/02/06-2018/02/06, Location: Stellenbosch University, South Africa

DNA Nations. Personalized medicine and its Infrastructures of Solidarity

Ine Van Hoyweghen
The expansion of the health data ecosystem: Challenges, alternatives and ways forward, Date: 2017/11/09-2017/11/10, Location: Maastricht

Think (er) ing with Epigenetics

Ine Van Hoyweghen , Katrin Solhdju , Kim Hendrickx
Somatosphere http://somatosphere. net/2017/10/epigenetics. html

Safeguarding patients and research participants: access to genomic data and concerns regarding insurance

Annet Wauters , Ine Van Hoyweghen
Interuniversity Course on Clinical and Research Genomic Data Sharing and Access, Date: 2017/08/31-2017/09/01, Location: Leuven

Leven in een familie met de ziekte van Huntington. Bezorgdheden om genetische discriminatie en het taboe binnen en buiten de familie

Annet Wauters , Ine Van Hoyweghen
Dag van de Sociologie, Date: 2017/06/08-2017/06/08, Location: Brussel

Performing Arrow’s insurance economics: from fair discrimination to behaviour-based fairness

Gert Meyers , Ine Van Hoyweghen
The Economisation of Lifestyle/Lifestylisation of Economy, Date: 2017/05/09-2017/05/09, Location: Leuven

Enacting fairness: personalising insurance products by making behaviour actionable

Gert Meyers , Ine Van Hoyweghen
Managing insecurities, creating uncertainties. An invitational workshop on the production and social effects of insurance rationality today’, Date: 2017/05/04-2017/05/05, Location: Sciences Po, Paris

The Social Life of Genes. Making genomic knowledge work from lab to society

Ine Van Hoyweghen
Launch Leuven Institute for Human Genomics & Society (LIGAS), Date: 2016/12/09-2016/12/09, Location: Leuven

From solidarity to fairness? Taking behaviour into account in insurance products

Gert Meyers , Ine Van Hoyweghen
Inhabiting Postgenomic Worlds. Reconfiguring Responsibilities and Solidarities, Date: 2016/12/07-2016/12/08, Location: Leuven