Karel Mulder , Marjolijn Knot
Olga Kordas , Karel Mulder , Eugene Nikiforovich , Jordi Segalàs
Ellen Moors , Karel Mulder , Philip Vergragt
K. Mulder , H. van Lente
Scientia Yugoslavica 15 ( 3) 127 -135
N.J.M. Nelissen , K. Mulder , P.H. Vergragt , W. Hafkamp
Delft : Ministerie VROM
J. Holmberg , M. Svanström , D.-J. Peet , K. Mulder
European Journal of Engineering Education 33 ( 3) 271 -282
K.F. (Karel Mulder)
Journal of Contemporary Management 5 ( 4) 41 -52
KF Mulder , Jhm Jan Stroeken
Informatietechnologie in de maatschappij 247 -261
CJ Desha , David Lowe , Prue Howard , Roger Hadgraft
Engineering education: Transformation and innovation 91
KF Mulder , D Ferrer-Balas , J Segalas
Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems 1 -12
KF Mulder , DJ Peet
11th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference 1 -14
L Baas , G Korevaar , R Kleijn , KF Mulder
EESD 2006 1 -7
K Hemmes , KF Mulder , Abh Vernay
Joint Actions on Climate Change 1 -11
KF Mulder , K Sperling , Mgf Overschie
11th European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumtion and Production 1 -19
G Korevaar , LW Baas , R Kleijn , SM Lemkowitz
EESD 2004 1 -11
KF Mulder , E van der Voet , HU de Haes , R Kleijn
Delft University of Technology 501 -509
D-J Peet , KF Mulder , A Bijma
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 5 ( 3) 278 -288
KF Mulder
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2016 1 -6
J Segalàs , D Ferrer-Balas , KF Mulder
Proc. of the 37 th Annual Conference of the Society for Engineering Education (SEFI), Rotterdam, The Netherlands
R Bras-Klapwijk , A De Haan , KF Mulder
Delft University, Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, Delft, Netherlands