VIVEK Shende
Unpublished research proposal (NSF Award Abstract# 1406871). https://math. berkeley. edu/~ vivek/statement. pdf
Vivek Shende
Forum of Mathematics, Pi 7
Martijn Kool , Vivek Shende , Richard P Thomas
Geometry & Topology 15 ( 1) 397 -406
Jacob Tsimerman , Vivek Shende
Duke Mathematical Journal 166 ( 18) 3461 -3504
David Treumann , Harold Williams , Eric Zaslow , Vivek Shende
Duke Mathematical Journal 168 ( 15) 2801 -2871
Luca Migliorini , Vivek Shende
Journal of the European Mathematical Society 15 ( 6) 2353 -2367
Lothar Göttsche , Vivek Shende
Geometry & Topology 18 ( 4) 2245 -2307
Steven Sivek , Lenhard Ng , Eric Zaslow , Vivek Shende
Geometry & Topology 24 ( 5) 2149 -2286
Luca Migliorini , Filippo Viviani , Vivek Shende
Compositio Mathematica 157 ( 4) 835 -882
Alexei Oblomkov , Jacob Rasmussen , Vivek Shende
Geometry & Topology 22 ( 2) 645 -691
Eugene Gorsky , Alexei Oblomkov , Jacob Rasmussen , Vivek Shende
Duke Mathematical Journal 163 ( 14) 2709 -2794
Vivek Shende , David Treumann , Eric Zaslow
Inventiones Mathematicae 207 ( 3) 1031 -1133
Tobias Ekholm , Lenhard Ng , Vivek Shende
Inventiones Mathematicae 211 ( 3) 1149 -1200
Tobias Ekholm , Vivek Shende
arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.05835
Tobias Ekholm , Vivek Shende
arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.08027
Tobias Ekholm , Vivek Shende
arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.00619
Tobias Ekholm , Vivek Shende
arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.00890
Tobias Ekholm , Vivek Shende
arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.15366
Mina Aganagic , Ivan Danilenko , Yixuan Li , Vivek Shende
arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.04258
Lothar Göttsche , Vivek Shende
arXiv preprint arXiv:1307.4316