Lens-free imaging of cancer cell migration in diverse microenvironments

Geert Vanmeerbeeck , Veerle Reumers , Konstantinos Konstantopoulos , Liesbet Lagae

Temperature dependence of the threshold current of magnetization oscillations in magnetic tunnel junctions

L. Bianchini , S. Cornelissen , T. Kim , J.
Digests Book 20th International Colloquium on Magnetic Films and Surfaces - ICMFS 57 -58

Exciting dark resonances in plasmonic nanocross cavities for high sensitivity biosensing

Pol Van Dorpe , G.A.E Vandenbosch , Tim Stakenborg , Liesbet Lagae
Proceedings of the Nanotech Conference and Expo

Process integration study of packaging materials for implant applications

Dries Braeken , Karl Malachowski , Deniz Sabuncuoglu Tezcan , Tomakazu Miyazaki

Convective redox cycling enhanced amperometric biosensing within a microfluidic c hannel

Philippe Vereecken , Liesbet Lagae , Wim Van Roy , Yan Li

Current induced spin-wave emission from ferromagnetic nanostructures

A Laraoui , Liesbet Lagae , F Ciubotaru , M van Kampen
Proceedings of the International Symposium: Twenty Years of Spintronics Retrospective and Perspective

A capillary pump with a controllable filling pattern for lab-on-chip applications

Peter Peumans , Liesbet Lagae , Ben Jones , Bivragh Majeed
4th European Conference on Microfluidics

Increased Gilbert damping in spin-valve and magnetic tunnel junction devices

Wouter Eyckmans , Roel Wirix-Speetjens , W Hiebert , Jo De Boeck

MRAM assessment at IMEC: an overview

Staf Borghs , Wouter Eyckmans , Jo De Boeck , Johan Das

Electrochemically synthesized biosensors for high resolution multiplexing

Tim Stakenborg , Karolien Jans , Carolina Mora Lopez , Karen Levrie
Biosensors 2016, Date: 2016/05/25 - 2016/05/27, Location: Gothenborg

Nucleation and modulation speed of vortex-based oscillators

C Chappert , T Devolder , Liesbet Lagae , Wim Van Roy
Proceedings of the 55th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials - MMM

Oersted field influence on three-magnon-scattering processes in nanopoint contact spin-valves

A Laraoui , B Leven , A Serga , Liesbet Lagae
Abstracts Book SPINSWITCH Summer School: Spin Torque Transfer and Domain Wall Dynamics 37

Dynamic light scattering as a powerful tool for gold nanoparticle characterization and biomolecular binding studies

Hilde Jans , Karolien Jans , Bieke Van de Broek , Guido Maes
Proceedings of the Particles Conference

Anisotropic Au nanostructures for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy fabricated by ion milling

Wim Van Roy , Liesbet Lagae , Jian Ye , Guido Maes
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics - SPP4

Spin torque oscillators based on vortices in point contacts

Claude Chappert , Thibaut Devolder , Thomas Schrefl , Liesbet Lagae
Abstracts Book SPINSWITCH Summer School: Spin Torque Transfer and Domain Wall Dynamics 10

A high-speed miniaturized cell sorter with lens-free imaging and thermal bubble based jet flow sorting

Dries Vercruysse , Alexandra Dusa , Bivragh Majeed , Sara Peeters
18th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Science - MicroTAS

Enhanced mass sensing for nanomechanical resonators with a non-rectangular cross-section

Iwijn De Vlaminck , Harrie Tilmans , Kristiaan De Greve , Liesbet Lagae
NSTI 297 -300