J. Curiel Yuste , Ana-Maria Hereş , Gerardo Ojeda , Andrea Paz
Soil Biology & Biochemistry 110 8 -11
D. García-Angulo , A.-M. Hereş , M. Fernández-López , O. Flores
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F. E. Moyano , N. Vasilyeva , L. Bouckaert , F. Cook
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Jordi Martinez-Vilalta , D Auadé , Mireia Banque , Josep Barba
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Chun-Wang Xiao , I. A. Janssens , J. Curiel Yuste , R. Ceulemans
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Asunción de los Ríos , J. Durán , Starri Heiðmarsson , J. Curiel
FEMS 2017. 7th Congress of European Microbiologists
Emily B. Graham , Joseph E. Knelman , Andreas Schindlbacher , Steven Siciliano
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Juan J. Jimenez , Juliane Filser , Sebastien Barot , Matty Berg
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J Barba , F Lloret , R Poyatos , R Molowny-Horas
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Gary M King , Steffen Kolb , Hongchen Jiang , Kristen M DeAngelis
EB Graham , JE Knelman , A Schindlbacher , S Siciliano
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G Deckmyn , JC Yuste , M Mayer , X Domene
Frontiers in Environmental Sciences
J Barba , F Lloret , R Poyatos , R Molowny-Horas
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J. C. Yuste , I. A. Janssens , A. Carrara , L. Meiresonne
Tree Physiology 23 ( 18) 1263 -1270
C.-W. Xiao , J. C. Yuste , I. A. Janssens , P. Roskams
Tree Physiology 23 ( 8) 505 -516
J. C. Yuste , M. Nagy , I. A. Janssens , A. Carrara
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J. C. Yuste , B. Konopka , I. A. Janssens , K. Coenen
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Global Change Biology 17 ( 3) 1475 -1486
J Curiel-Yuste , J Barba , AJ F-González , M F-López
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AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2010