IL Azevedo , NC Horner , K Siler-Evans , PT Vaishnav
Center For Climate and Energy Decision Making
Nathaniel Charles Horner
Carnegie Mellon University
Parth Vaishnav , Nathaniel Horner , Paul Tisa
Energy & the Economy,37th IAEE International Conference,June 15-18, 2014
Parth Vaishnav , Inês Azevedo , Nathaniel Horner , Jinhyok Heo
Implications of North American Energy Self-Sufficiency,34th USAEE/IAEE North American Conference,Oct 23-26, 2016
Arman Shehabi , Sarah Smith , Dale Sartor , Richard Brown
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California
Nathaniel Horner , Barbara Rocha , Richard Silberglitt , Marcelo Poppe
Parcerias Estratégicas 20 ( 40) 83 -100
Nathaniel Horner , Inês Azevedo , David Hounshell
Environmental Research Letters 8 ( 4) 044032
Parth Vaishnav , Nathaniel Horner , Inês L Azevedo
Environmental Research Letters 12 ( 9) 094015
Nathaniel Horner , Inês Azevedo
The Electricity Journal 29 ( 4) 61 -69
Nathaniel Horner , Antonio Geraldo de Paula Oliveira , Richard Silberglitt , Marcelo Khaled Poppe
foresight 18 ( 5) 535 -550
Nathaniel Horner , Ines Azevedo , Doug Sicker , Yuvraj Agarwal
2016 IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm) 80 -85
Carla Frisch , Paul Donohoo-Vallett , Caitlin Murphy , Elke Hodson
IEEE Power & Energy Magazine 16 ( 4) 90 -98
Robert Lutz , David Drake , Nathaniel Horner , Michael O'Connor
The Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation & Education Conference (I/ITSEC) 2011 ( 1)
Nathaniel C Horner , Arman Shehabi , Inês L Azevedo
Environmental Research Letters 11 ( 10) 103001 -103001
J Stephen Topper , Nathaniel C Horner
N Horner , J Stephen Topper
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Baltimore, MD