Peter Michaleas , Vijay Gadepally , Jeremy Kepner , KC Claffy
ieee high performance extreme computing conference 1 -11
Raffaele Sommese , Leandro Bertholdo , Gautam Akiwate , Mattijs Jonker
internet measurement conference 456 -463
Gautam Akiwate , Mattijs Jonker , Raffaele Sommese , Ian Foster
internet measurement conference 281 -294
Katie Shilton , Jeffrey A. Burke , KC Claffy , Lixia Zhang
Communications of The ACM 59 ( 12) 92 -101
Hyunchul Kim , KC Claffy , Marina Fomenkov , Dhiman Barman
conference on emerging network experiment and technology 11
Van Jacobson ,
Lixia Zhang , Deborah Estrin , Jeffrey Burke , Van Jacobson
URL https://www. parc. com/content/attachments/named-data-networking. pdf
Dmitri Krioukov , KC Claffy , Marina Fomenkov , Fan Chung
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 37 ( 1) 69 -73
KC Claffy , David Clark , John Heidemann , Fabian Bustamante
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 51 ( 3) 33 -40
Abhishta Abhishta , José Acuña , Sharad Agarwal , Ken Ahrens
Alberto Dainotti , Karyn Benson , Alistair King , KC Claffy
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 44 ( 1) 42 -49
Priya Mahadevan , Dmitri Krioukov , Marina Fomenkov , Xenofontas Dimitropoulos
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 36 ( 1) 17 -26
Gautam Akiwate , Raffaele Sommese , Mattijs Jonker , Zakir Durumeric
ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC)
David Clark , Cecilia Testart , Matthew Luckie , KC Claffy
arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.03305
Warren Kumari , Joe Abley , Jaap Akkerhuis , Tim April
Srinivas Shakkottai , Nevil Brownlee , KC Claffy
Passive and Active Network Measurement: 6th International Workshop, PAM 2005, Boston, MA, USA, March 31-April 1, 2005. Proceedings 6 13 -26
Francesco Gringoli , Luca Salgarelli , Maurizio Dusi , Niccolo Cascarano
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 39 ( 5) 12 -18
Cristina Caffarra , Federico Etro , Oliver Latham , Fiona Scott Morton
Ran Zhuo , Bradley Huffaker , KC Claffy , Shane Greenstein
María Cecilia Bastarrica , Mauricio Solar , Ricardo Baeza-Yates , Barrett Bryant