Bruno Wassermann , David Ohana , Ronen Schaffer , Robert Shahla
arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.06892
Dario Bruneo , Francesco Longo , David Hadas , Hillel Kolodner
Communications in Computer and Information Science 71 -82
Shelly Garion , Hillel Kolodner , Allon Adir , Ehud Aharoni
acm international conference on systems and storage 30
Dean Lorenz , Eran Raichstein , Katherine Barabash , Hillel Kolodner
acm international conference on systems and storage 26
Sandeep Bazar , Hillel Kolodner , Eran Rom , Sandeep R. Patil
international conference on cloud computing 1 -6
Muli Ben-Yehuda , David Breitgand , Michael Factor , Hillel Kolodner
179 -188
Hillel Kolodner
Is the Future of Preservation Cloudy? 110 -110
David Ohana , Bruno Wassermann , Nicolas Dupuis , Elliot Kolodner
Smpte Journal 236 -250
Elliot Kolodner , Barbara Liskov , William Weihl
ACM SIGMOD Record 18 ( 2) 15 -25
Athanasios Voulodimos , Spyridon V Gogouvitis , Nikoletta Mavrogeorgi , Roman Talyansky
2011 First International Symposium on Network Cloud Computing and Applications 69 -72
Elliot Kolodner
Persistent Object Systems: Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Persistent Object Systems, San Miniato (Pisa), Italy, 1-4 September 1992 394 -394
Gil Vernik , Michael Factor , Elliot K. Kolodner , Effi Ofer
symposium on cloud computing 653 -653
Anna Levin , Shelly Garion , Elliot K. Kolodner , Dean H. Lorenz
2019 IEEE International Congress on Big Data (BigDataCongress)
O. Brukman , S. Dolev , E.K. Kolodner
ieee symposium on security and privacy 20 -29
P. Brand , S. Dippl , S. Gogouvitis , E. Salant
International Broadcasting Convention (IBC) 2013 Conference
S. V. Gogouvitis , M. C. Jaeger , H. Kolodner , D. Kyriazis
SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal 122 ( 7) 30 -37
Tamar Domani , Elliot K Kolodner , Erez Petrank ,
Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 2000 conference on Programming language design and implementation - PLDI '00 35 ( 5) 274 -284
Ran Shaham , Elliot K Kolodner , Mooly Sagiv ,
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 36 ( 5) 104 -113
Michael E Factor , David Hadas , Elliot K Kolodner , Anil Kurmus
Shmuel Ben-Yehuda , David Breitgand , Michael E Factor , Elliot K Kolodner