M. Duvinage , H. Guruler , A. Bahramisharif , L.M.M. Roijendijk
Salah, A.A.G., T. (ed.), Proceedings eNTERFACE'10 : 6th International Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces July 12 - August 6, 2010 University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands 12 -23
M. Duvinage , Dirk K.J. Heylen , Hayrettin Gürkök , A.A. Elbakyan
5th International Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces, eNTERFACE 2009 41 -62
G. Cheron , M. Duvinage , C. De Saedeleer , T. Castermans
Neural Plasticity 2012 375148 -375148
T. Castermans , M. Duvinage
The Journal of Physiology 591 ( 6) 1407 -1408
M. Duvinage , J. Cubeta , T. Castermans , M. Petieau
2013 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence, Cognitive Algorithms, Mind, and Brain (CCMB) 44 -52
M. Duvinage , R. Jimenez-Fabian , T. Castermans , O. Verlinden
ieee international conference on rehabilitation robotics 2011 1 -7
M. Duvinage , T. Castermans , M. Petieau , K. Seetharaman
international conference of the ieee engineering in medicine and biology society 2012 3845 -3849
Quantitative Finance 13 ( 7) 1059 -1070
Matthieu Du Duvinage , Paolo Mazza , Mikael Petitjean
Bankers, Markets, and Investors 133
Matthieu Duvinage , Edouard Klein , Laurent Bougrain
Matthieu Duvinage , Guy Cheron , Thierry Dutoit , Thierry Castermans
international conference on bio-inspired systems and signal processing 309 -314
Christian Mühl , Hayrettin Gürkök , Danny Plass-Oude Bos , Marieke E. Thurlings
Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces 4 ( 1) 11 -25
Thierry Castermans , Matthieu Duvinage , Mathieu Petieau , Thomas Hoellinger
IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems 1 ( 4) 566 -577
Thierry Castermans , Matthieu Duvinage , Guy Cheron , Thierry Dutoit
Neuroscience Letters 561 166 -170
Thomas Hoellinger , Guy Cheron , Thierry Dutoit , Matthieu Duvinage
international ieee/embs conference on neural engineering 317 -321
Thierry Castermans , Matthieu Duvinage , Thomas Hoellinger , Mathieu Petieau
international ieee/embs conference on neural engineering 584 -588
Thomas Hoellinger , Mathieu Petieau , Matthieu Duvinage , Thierry Castermans
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 7 70 -70
Matthieu Duvinage , Thierry Castermans , Thierry Dutoit , Mathieu Petieau
biomedical engineering
Danny Plass-Oude Bos , Bram Van De Laar , Matthieu Duvinage , Oytun Oktay
Neuroscience Letters 500 26 -27
Matthieu Duvinage , Thierry Castermans , Mathieu Petieau , Thomas Hoellinger
Biomedical Engineering Online 12 ( 1) 56 -56