A. McBratney , R. J. Gilkes , N. Prakongkep , C. Lobsey
Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of Soil Science: Soil solutions for a changing world, Brisbane, Australia, 1-6 August 2010. Working Group 1.5 Soil sense: rapid soil measurements 9 -12
B. Minasny , A. McBratney , B. Whelan , M. Short
Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering 26 ( 4) 156 -161
C. Lobsey , D.G. Mayer , G. Parcsi , M. Atzeni
Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation
R.A. Viscarra Rossel , V.I. Adamchuk , K.A. Sudduth , N.J. McKenzie
Advances in Agronomy 113 243 -291
G. Brooker , S. Scheding , A. Maclean , R. Hennessy
ieee sensors 327 -330
R.A. Viscarra Rossel , D.J. Brus , C. Lobsey , Z. Shi
Geoderma 265 152 -163
E. Widzyk-Capehart , G. Brooker , S. Scheding , A. Maclean
international conference on mechatronics and machine vision in practice 139 -165
A. Zerger , R.A. Viscarra Rossel , D.L. Swain , T. Wark
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 12 ( 5) 303 -316
G. Brooker , E. Widzyk-Capehart , S. Scheding , R. Hennessy
european microwave conference 1696 -1699
G.M. Brooker , C. Lobsey , R Hennessy
international conference on control, automation, robotics and vision 1 -8
E. Widzyk-Capehart , G. Brooker , S. Scheding , R. Hennessy
international conference on control, automation, robotics and vision 1 -6
Craig Lobsey , Ross Hennessy , Graham Brooker , Eleonora Widzyk-Capehart
Proceedings of the 2005 Australian Mining Technology Conference 2005 123 -138
Raphael A. Viscarra Rossel , Craig Lobsey
CSIRO Publishing
David R. Buttsworth , John Leis , Matthew Thompson , Fabian Zander
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 1 -5
Gavin Parcsi , Sashi M. Pillai , Jae Ho Sohn , Erin Gallagher
2011 Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing 205 -210
Graham Brooker , Craig Lobsey , Ross Hennessy
ieee radar conference 1 -6
Graham Brooker , Ross Hennessy , Craig Lobsey
ieee international radar conference 44 -47
Graham Brooker , Ross Hennessey , Mark Bishop , Craig Lobsey
international conference on wireless broadband and ultra wideband communications 27 -27
Graham Brooker , Ross Hennessey , Mark Bishop , Craig Lobsey
Journal of Field Robotics 23 ( 10) 891 -912
Graham Brooker , Ross Hennessey , Craig Lobsey , Mark Bishop
Journal of Field Robotics 24 ( 7) 527 -557