N.W. John , M. Riding , A. Sadarjoen , L. Blumrozen
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N.W. John
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N.R. Watson , N.W. John , W.J. Crowther
Proceedings of Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics, 2003. 130 -137
I.S. Lim , N.W. John , K.A. Shore
Electronics Letters 41 ( 22) 1252 -1253
H. Woolnough , S. Guediri , J. Zhai , T. Odetoyinbo
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 111 ( 2) 419 -434
Z. Soferman , D. Blythe , N.W. John
Proceedings of the IEEE 86 ( 3) 531 -554
N.W. John
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C.D. Barry , C.P. Allott , N.W. John , P.M. Mellor
Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 23 ( 8) 1209 -1224
F.P. Vidal , F. Bello , K.W. Brodlie , N.W. John
eurographics 25 ( 1) 113 -137
I.S. Lim , D. Hughes , N.W. John
Electronics Letters 43 ( 9) 503 -505
C. Kilkenny , J. Zhai , F. Bello , N. John
In: 4th London Surgical Symposium; Imperial College, London. 2010.
T. Odetoyinbo , J. Zhai , F. Bello , M. Hamady D. Kessel
In: British Society of Interventional Radiology; Brighton, UK. 2009.
N. John , L. Versweyveld , A. Emmen
Technology and Health Care 8 ( 3) 200 -201
M. Mahon , R.G. Thomas , J.M. Delieu , N. John
Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland at Durham
M. Mahon , P.G. Mullins , I.S. Lim , P. Mullins
Summer Meeting of the British Association of Clinical Anatomists, Liverpool Medical Institute, Mount Pleasant, Liverpool, United Kingdom.
N W John , N Phillips
Studies in health technology and informatics 70 146 -152
N W John , R F McCloy
British Journal of Radiology 77
C.P Allott , C.D Barry , J Bramley , N.W John
Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology 25 ( 6) 905 -914
Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 23 ( 8)
Springer-Verlag GmbH & Co. KG 3 -540