C. Bakker
Chemical |Process Design
C. Bakker , D. Peck , A.R. Köhler
Knowledge Collaboration & Learning for Sustainable Innovation: 14th European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production (ERSCP) conference and the 6th Environmental Management for Sustainable Universities (EMSU) conference, Delft, The Netherlands, October 25-29, 2010
C. Boks , K. Dewulf , R. Wever , C. Bakker
international symposium on environmentally conscious design and inverse manufacturing
Sophie Thornander , MariAnne Karlsson , Conny Bakker
Proceedings from Conference on Sustainable Innovation 2011, ‘Towards Sustainable Product Design', 24-25 October 2011, Farnham Castle, Farnham, UK 193 -201
Conny Bakker , David Peck
Electronics Goes Green 1 -6
Bas Flipsen , Conny Bakker , Jo Geraedts , Angele Reinders
Electronics Goes Green 1 -9
Nancy Bocken , Conny Bakker , Ruud Balkenende
Routledge Handbooks Online 498 -513
Conny Bakker , Lenneke Kuijer
10th Going Green - CARE INNOVATION Conference, November 17-20, 2014, Vienna, Austria
Conny Bakker , Flora Poppelaars , Jo van Engelen
Electronics Goes Green 2016+: Inventing shades of green 1 -8
Conny Bakker , Marcel den Hollander
Electronics Goes Green 2016+: Inventing shades of green 1 -8
Conny Bakker , Jotte de Koning , Deborah Sumter , Ruud Balkenende
Sustainability 13 ( 2) 776
Ruth Mugge , Conny Bakker , I. Maldini , R. Balkenende
Conny Bakker , Ruud Balkenende , Flora Poppelaars
Routledge 148 -156
Beatriz Pozo Arcos , Conny Bakker , Bas Flipsen , Ruud Balkenende
Journal of Cleaner Production 265 121812
Conny Bakker , Feng Wang , Jaco Huisman , Marcel den Hollander
Journal of Cleaner Production 69 10 -16
Ella Jamsin , , Conny Bakker , Paul Hekkert
DRS2018: Catalyst
Nina Boorsma , Ruud Balkenende , Conny Bakker , Tanya Tsui
Journal of Remanufacturing 11 ( 1) 25 -48
Bas Flipsen , Conny Bakker , Guus van Bohemen
Electronics Goes Green 1 -9
Barbara Grosse-Hering , Jon Mason , Dzmitry Aliakseyeu , Conny Bakker
human factors in computing systems 3431 -3440
Victoria Pérez-Belis , Conny Bakker , Pablo Juan , María D. Bovea
Journal of Cleaner Production 159 ( 159) 158 -170