Cody A. Freas , Antione Wystrach , Ajay Narendra , Ken Cheng
Frontiers in Psychology 9 16 -16
Antoine Wystrach , Ken Cheng , Patrick Schultheiss , Jonathan Ives
Antoine Wystrach , Barbara Webb , Kostas Lagogiannis
Janelia Behavioral Neurogenetics of Drosophila Larva 2016
Antoine Wystrach
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
Matthias Durrieu , Antoine Wystrach , Patrick Arrufat , Martin Giurfa
Proceedings of The Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 287 ( 1938) 20201234
Barbara Webb , Antoine Wystrach
Current opinion in insect science 15 27 -39
Florent Le Moël , Antoine Wystrach
Current opinion in insect science 42 110 -117
Basil el Jundi , Antoine Wystrach
Current opinion in insect science 42
Florent Le Moël , Thomas Stone , Mathieu Lihoreau , Antoine Wystrach
Frontiers in Psychology 10 690
Alex D.M. Dewar , Antoine Wystrach , Paul Graham , Andrew Philippides
BioSystems 136 120 -127
Antoine Wystrach , Guy Beugnon
Current Biology 19 ( 1) 61 -66
Alexandre Carayon , Laetitia Bataillé , Gaëlle Lebreton , Laurence Dubois
eLife 9
Antoine Wystrach , Guy Beugnon , Ken Cheng
Frontiers in Zoology 8 ( 1) 21 -21
Thomas Stone , Michael Mangan , Antoine Wystrach , Barbara Webb
Interface Focus 8 ( 4) 20180010 -20180010
Antoine Wystrach , Sebastian Schwarz , Alice Baniel , Ken Cheng
Proceedings of The Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280 ( 1769) 20131677
Antoine Wystrach , Michael Mangan , Barbara Webb
Proceedings of The Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282 ( 1816) 20151484 -20151484
Antoine Wystrach , Sebastian Schwarz , Paul Graham , Ken Cheng
Animal Cognition 22 ( 2) 213 -222
Ken Cheng , Patrick Schultheiss , Sebastian Schwarz , Antoine Wystrach
Behavioural Processes 102 51 -61
Patrick Schultheiss , Antoine Wystrach , Sebastian Schwarz , Aloys Tack
Animal Behaviour 115 19 -28
Sebastian Schwarz , Leo Clement , Evripidis Gkanias , Antoine Wystrach
Animal Behaviour 164 133 -142