Amar Isli
artificial intelligence methodology systems applications 119 -128
Amar Isli , Anthony G Cohn
Qualitative spatial reasoning: A new approach to cyclic ordering of 2D orientations
Amar Isli , Anthony G. Cohn
Artificial Intelligence 122 ( 1) 137 -187
BelaÏd Benhamou , Amar Isli
artificial intelligence methodology systems applications 88 -101
Amar Isli , Lledó Museros Cabedo , Thomas Barkowsky , Reinhard Moratz
formal methods 225 -238
Brandon Bennett , Amar Isli , Anthony G. Cohn
industrial and engineering applications of artificial intelligence and expert systems 281 -290
Amar Isli
Sadhana 21 ( 2) 213 -228
Amar Isli
Smpte Journal
Christian Bessiere , Amar Isli , Gerard Ligozat
ECAI 3 -7
Brandon Bennett , Amar Isli , Anthony G Cohn
Proceedings of the IJCAI-97 workshop on Spatial and Temporal Reasoning
Amar Isli , Anthony G Cohn
AAAI/IAAI 643 -649
Amar Isli , Anthony G Cohn
Amar Isli , Anthony G Cohn
Amar Isli , Reinhard Moratz
Univ., Bibliothek des Fachbereichs Informatik
Amar Isli
Proc. of 8th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics (AI&M’04)
Amar Isli
FLAIRS 547 -551
Amar Isli
arXiv preprint cs/0307048
Amar Isli
arXiv preprint cs/0307050
Amar Isli
arXiv preprint cs/0307040